February 2012
[02/25/12 08:28pm] Maybe?
November 2010
[11/06/10 04:50pm] I'm a Believer...
September 2010
August 2010
[08/23/10 04:52am] What is this feeling? (OBSESSION! WITH WICKED!)[08/20/10 03:32pm] Let's assume Crystal ISN'T popular... ^-^;;[08/17/10 08:43pm] A sacrifice, so it seems.[08/16/10 12:38am] THE LONG PAST DUE ENTRY!!! (Here ya go Tori)[08/15/10 09:04pm] I thought this was sweet!! ^-^[08/13/10 06:38pm] Tales From the Ship
July 2010
[07/14/10 12:06am] After Today![07/12/10 05:01pm] But on a lighter note![07/11/10 07:05pm] Powerful Words
June 2010
[06/13/10 09:12am] Personality Questions! (Sorta.)
May 2010
[05/30/10 05:18am] OMFG ghost!!![05/16/10 08:49am] Mr. Romance
April 2010
[04/24/10 02:15am] Just stop.[04/11/10 04:32pm] Graaaahhhhh!
January 2010
[01/18/10 10:54pm] No headline has been entered for this entry...
December 2009
[12/22/09 03:02pm] Oh, wow. This has to go in an entry of its own. }:3[12/05/09 06:53pm] I don't know, I'm doing RaNdOm songs.
November 2009
[11/24/09 08:47pm] Get a joooob![11/10/09 12:17am] Eden
October 2009
[10/27/09 02:33am] Meanwhile, back in "Reality"...[10/23/09 02:01am] Mr. Romance[10/05/09 12:25am] And Aubri was Her Name.
September 2009
[09/26/09 03:38pm] Dreamland[09/13/09 08:58pm] Wedding Worries
August 2009
[08/17/09 06:51pm] Stray Cat Strut[08/14/09 09:04pm] Heheh, House Bunnies.[08/14/09 06:14am] soooo bored[08/11/09 10:07pm] I'm taking a little break.[08/05/09 03:09am] Parental Control!
July 2009
[07/25/09 12:07am] Dang you rich people.[07/06/09 05:19pm] Diana's Wedding. (IDEAS PLEASE!)[07/04/09 04:25am] Seriously, if you couldn't tell before, I REALLY N...
June 2009
[06/27/09 10:00pm] Hiei finds Ambers diary.[06/27/09 09:15pm] ...[06/25/09 01:34am] writers block[06/13/09 07:09pm] Done!!!!!!!![06/10/09 04:02pm] My Aunt Cindi[06/06/09 11:23pm] Ok, totally bored w/ the last entry. Im doing a ne...
May 2009
[05/16/09 08:45pm] Ok, no ones reading this so im skipping to the goo...[05/14/09 01:50am] The Play
April 2009
[04/12/09 05:29pm] LOL[04/08/09 09:11pm] LOL I AM AMAZING!!!!!!
February 2009
[02/21/09 10:16pm] Interview with a Fox Demon[02/08/09 10:56am] valentines day!![02/02/09 02:40am] cheerleading practice
January 2009
[01/17/09 09:01am] mud puddles ROCK!![01/11/09 08:10am] sleepy....[01/09/09 02:36am] yes master hige...[01/02/09 09:27pm] Never Good Enough...[01/01/09 10:17am] HAIRCUTZ ROCK!!![01/01/09 09:42am] bowling is fun.... its the "after party" that hurts...
December 2008
[12/30/08 11:07am] MAJOR YAOI!!![12/27/08 09:02am] my relationship w/ the crew...[12/27/08 05:22am] SWIMMIN!!!! pt 2[12/26/08 07:58pm] SWIMMIN!!!! pt 1[12/26/08 09:56am] funny highlights[12/23/08 08:44pm] i got the idea from 101.5 the point!! dont kill me![12/13/08 09:49am] TRICLOPSITIS!!![12/06/08 04:20pm] DANCEOFF!!! and NO madee, this is not the jake u t...
November 2008
[11/27/08 04:36pm] Soul Sisters[11/26/08 03:51pm] c u l8r suckers![11/16/08 04:37pm] marshmallows pwn.[11/16/08 05:33am] KUWABARA PICS PWN!!![11/08/08 02:52pm] U JUST GOT PWNED CHRISTINE!!![11/08/08 01:31am] sorry keiko..[11/02/08 08:10am] *mutters* stupid webcam...
October 2008
[10/30/08 12:18am] my day ranking entry#1[10/19/08 04:53am] I LOVE KURAMA!