yusuke: u guys trying out?
crystal: no.... i dont have a thing! {*looks angrily at Aubrey*}
{Aubrey: *laughs evilly*}
kyrin: nah...
hiei: our thing is singing.
kurama: ill try out!
amber: idk. i dont really do plays.
angie: *walks by talking about how she cant wait to do the juliet part and she wants shuichi to be Romeo*
kurama: thats the spirit!
yusuke: u two have fun being mushy love birds.
kurama: just cause u and crys never have any fun doesnt mean we cant. *wraps his arm around ambers shoulder and walks off*
kyrin: u just got dissed by a gay guy.
crystal: buuuuurn.
amber/kurama: *walk up to the audition place and get in line*
-several auditions l8r-
drama teacher: next, shuichi minamino and amber swayne for romeo and juliet, are u 2 ready?
amber/kurama: yes ma'am.
amber: *looks at her lines* O, Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo? Deny thy father, and refuse thy name, but if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love, and i shall no longer be a Capulet.
kurama: *glances at the script* Is there more? or shall i speak at this?
amber: Oh a name, a name! Whats in---
drama teacher: ok! next!
amber/kurama: *walk off stage*
--on friday--
people are crowding around the bulletin board looking to see who made it
kurama: *taller than about half of the crowd, looks over them and reads the parts, then backs away, looking utterly freaked out, like he just found out that karasu was his father or something* uhhhhhhh........
amber: what? we didnt make it?
kurama: oh... we made it....
crowd: *laughs hysterically at something and disperses*
amber: *runs up to bulletin board* maid1, maid2, nurse, blah blah blah.... AH! romeo and juliet.... romeo.... amber...swayne??? juliet.... shuichi.... minamino???? WTH?!?!?!??!
kurama: we need to speak to mrs. darbus....
amber: right away!!!!!!
-in mrs.darbus's office-
amber: mrs.D, there must be a mistake, on the roster it said that i was romeo and shuichi is juliet..
mrs.darbus: no, that was on purpose.
kurama: i dont understand.
mrs.darbus: in the 1500s, it was not at all unusual for men to play as women.
amber: do i get a sword?
kurama: *hisses at amber* amber!
mrs.darbus: yes, u do. e_e
amber: im in.
kurama: amber!!!
mrs.darbus: may i show u ur costumes?
kurama: im so going to regret this....
amber: sure!
-costume room-
mrs.darbus: *pulls out a long flowing ball gown* shuichi.
kurama: *takes the dress and groans*
mrs.darbus: and amber. *hands amber a dashing suit*
amber: *looks at it and nods* id wear it to prom. *goes to try it on*
kurama: *goes to try his on*
*they come out simeltaniously*

{not perfect, but u get the idea. kurama in a dress isnt too hard to imagine}

{imagine its a redhead, and that it looks more like amber! its hard to find cross dressers that arent kurama!}
mrs.darbus: wonderful!!
amber: *looking at herself in mirror* not bad, not bad at all. if i do say so myself, i look hot.
kurama: this is so awkward its not even funny..... *totally hating this*
amber: hey, id totally date u. im a guy now apparently, so i can say that. *totally enjoying this*
kurama: whatever...
-TRA DADADAAAA! its showtime!-
(im gonna be lazy and copy and paste here.)
mrs.darbus: welcome to the theatre! our play romeo and juliet will begin shortly!
yusuke: well? u think they got the part?
crystal: i wonder why they havent told us...
kyrin: whatever the reason is, its probably legit.
hiei: *knows EXACTLY why they didnt tell, but was sworn to secrecy* oh, its legit alright.
mimi: shh! its starting!
-act I will be in a seperate entry, its REEEEEALLLLY LONG. and yes, im doing the whole play in these entries, not just snippets. if u dont want to know, dont read it. DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT OWN ROMEO AND JULIET!!!!!! feh! i wish!!!-
Community Member
We have fun!And your "burn" was icy you meanie!