amber: *talking to kayla* then i said,--
*all the sudden, some tall girl knocks into amber*
tall girl: hey, watch it tiara!
amber: *notices shes still wearing her circlet* *raises eyebrow at girl* ok. obviously you dont know who i am.*kayla takes 3 steps bak* there are only two people in this town tougher than me. yusuke urameshi, and hiei.
tall girl: *tries to stare down amber* ILL SEE YOU AFTER SCHOOL, TIARA!
amber: suuure you will, *calls after her* AND ITS AMBER!!
kayla: omg, you idiot, do you know who that was!?!
amber: no. but i do know that shes minor league. *scoffs* shoulder bump, comeon!
amber: who?
kayla:*eyes widen* dude, shes the toughest girl at our rival middle school!
amber: well im sure shes nowhere near my league
kayla: its your funeral.
---after school---
*amber is walking home reading a book*
*suddenly, a blonde blur jumps off the top of a building and pins amber to a wall*
amber: WHAT THE---????? *punches figure in face*
christine: oo ur gonna pay for that!
amber: *notices christine's hand has a iron glove on it* dangit.
*christine and amber spar but christine manages to get the upper hand by tripping amber*
*punches amber in stomach*
amber: oof!
christine: hnhnhn! *prepares to punch her again but a vine grabs her hand* WHAT THE?! *more vines grab her and throw her three blocks down the road*
amber: *dazed* k-kurama?
kurama: *helps her up* ya, im here.
amber: *looks ashamed* um, thx, i gotta go.. *looks angry* bye!
kurama: WAIT! but..i..*flops onto the ground* what the heck amber...
botan: that was very noble.
kurama:*jumps up* AHH! dont pop up like that!
botan: you're wondering why she ran off, rite? *sits next to him*
kurama: *runs hand through hair* ya... i dont get it.. i just saved her...
botan: bingo!!
kurama: what?
botan: u havent noticed? shes very independent when it comes to toughness.
kurama: ya but..
botan: shes used to being the savior, not savee.
kurama: i see...
botan: so go act like you need her desprately, sweep her off her feet, and kiss her you idiot!
kurama: *runs down street* amberrr! wait up!
botan: rolleyes lovestruck ingnoramus... *goes back to spirit world*

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