----setting: at school lunch table, feb 13 guys and girls at two diff tables----
{T A B L E}=table (duh)
E=empty seat (we're the freak table, we're given a wide berth)
{T A B L E}
kurama: *eating a salad* so whatre ur valentines goals guys?
yusuke: *trying to consume some weird school burrito* valentines goals?
kuwabara: *eating a PB&J* ya. goals, usually associating with a girl, that ud like to achive on valentines day.
hiei: besides amber talking, thats the stupidest thing ive ever heard.
kurama: *throws a piece of meat at him* be nice!
hiei: *catches it and eats it* correction; that is.
kuwabara: u two lovebirds flirt. whats ur goal urameshi?
kurama/hiei: *stick their tongue out at him* dont be gross.
yusuke: i guess to get crys to kiss me instead of me kissing her...
kurama:mine is to get amber to blush. shes so strong willed... it would be fun to see her blush. what about u hiei?
hiei: im going to try and get kyrin to do the dragon courtship dance with me over that moonlit lake again..
kurama: how poetic.
kuwabara: mine is to kiss amber, crys, yukina, and kyrin all in one day!
kurama/yusuke/hiei: IN UR DREAMS!
hiei: u get near kyrin or yukina, i skin u alive.
kuwabara: eep! ok.. just crys and amber then.
yusuke/kurama/kuwabara: *start disputing this point*
(meanwhile at the) GIRLS TABLE:
A C E (omg it spells "ace" wink E E E
{T A B L E}
amber: *eating a school chicken samwich with tater tots* so kurama told me to ask u about ur valentines goals or something.
kyrin: oh i love doing those!
crystal: what are they?
kyrin: basically, we just share our plans on what were gonna do to the guys on valentines day.
crystal: *blushes* seriously??
amber: i plan to set our record for longest kiss. so far its 20 minutes.
kyrin/crystal: TWENTY?!?!
amber: its practice for aura breathing?
kyrin: uh huh. mine is to get hiei to actually show his feelings, instead of being the closed little thing he is..
amber: heh, little is right.
crystal: be nice amber!!
kyrin: whats urs crys?
crystal: *blushes madly* u-um.... well... i dont really know how to say this but.....
amber: OMG!!! crys! are u breaking up w/ yusuke?!?!?
crystal: no!! of course not!!!! i was gonna say that im tired of being called sandra d.!!! i want to learn how to be more of a flirt like u amber....
kyrin: *smirking* oh, this should be fun.
amber: lol!!! im gonna have so much fun with this. *bell rings* see u guys tomorrow?
kyrin: where u going? schools not over yet.
amber: ya but yusukes ditching too.
crystal: AMBER U WOULDNT DARE!!!!!
amber: relax, im not gonna steal ur bf crys. i need sum1 to hang out with and hes the ideal canadite. bye! *skips off to join yusuke*
kyrin/crystal: ugh, can u beleive her??
---next day---
amber: *wearing the pink outfit i actually wore exept the skirt is shorter and tighter* HAPPY V-DAY!!!
kyrin: *wearing pink heart earrings, but thats pretty much her limit on the pink* hey! same to u!
crystal: *wearing a red and white t-shirt with pink capris* same here...
(the girls split up to preform their goals, amber is going to do hers first and get it out of the way so she can help out crys)
amber: hey kurama! whats up?
kurama: oh, not much. just fixing up this multi waterer i got... (it waters multiple plants at once dur)
amber: *pulls him up* its valentines day, dont u want to do anything?
kurama: *smirks slightly* u mean like this? *sweeps her into his arms and pulls her close* how about we break our longes kiss record, eh honeysuckle?
amber: *blushes a little* u-um.... (not used to kurama being the flirty one)
kurama: good. *kisses her deeply*
amber: *eyes widen at his actions and blushes while kissing back*
kurama: *thinks* well that was easy.
----kiss goes on for twenty one mins and blah blah blah im done. and also, u each do ur parts, ill do mine! also, u 2 better get ur WHAT IF.... entries out!!! xp im sick of waiting!!! and u two need to get on so we can do our 7 mins in heaven entry!----
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(for the Dragon Courtship Dance overview, see "Flying Without Wings...Sort Of" journal entry!)
(for the lake, see "The Frozen Past (PART 4)" journal entry!)