amber: *stops turning crank* there hiege, happy?
kyrin: *stops screaming and gasps for breath* its... ok amber *gasps* im fine...
amber: *looks away* im done.
hige: *turns ambers face towards his* ur done when i say u are! and i dont like ur tone! *slaps*
kyrin: stop it hige!!
amber: *stumbles and faces hige, eyes blazing* yes master hige.
hige: thats better. now, i tire. you will be escorted to ur chambers by one of my more obedient captives. *snaps fingers and a winged demon appears* and you *turns to kyrin* you can lay there until morning.
kyrin: ok hige. ill lay here contemplating ur demise!!!
hige: *turns crank* what did u say?
amber: STOP HIGE!!!!
kyrin: amber, ull be killed!
amber: shut up kyrin, i can take care of myself!
hige: *stops turning crank* alright princess, i hope u can take care of stomach wounds! *drives foot into her gut*
amber: oof!! *flies into wall*
minion: *picks her up by back of shirt* come on princess, bedtime.
kyrin: *closes eyes* im sorry i got u into this amber...
hige: fools who think they can disobey me shall be punished. *slams door, encasing the room w/ total darkness*
---in the meantime---
kurama: *sitting on window in hieis usual spot* why amber? uve changed so much, but i never thought ud...
hiei: turn traitor? face it loverboy, shes one of them. and when we battle, ill be the one to show her what we do to traitors. *draws sword and looks darkly into space*
crystal: hiei stop!! were not gonna battle amber, shes our friend!
hiei: *whips sword to her throat* no one who threatens kyrin is my friend.
yusuke: *steps in front of hiei*watch where u point that thing runt.
kurama: i just cant beleive it... she must have a reason...
hiei: YES KURAMA! THE FREAKING REASON IS THAT SHES A TRAITOR AND SHED DO ANYTHING TO BE ON THE WINNING TEAM!! regardless that to hige, shes just a pawn. easily disposed of and replaced.
yusuke/crystal: *get in between them* plz stop fighting...
hiei: and ur not exactly a big help kurama, seeing as u drive her away openly.
kurama: *gives hiei a dirty look and stares out the window again* hn.
crystal: why dont u just contact amber and ask her what shes doing then hiei!??!! ur telepathic!
hiei: ive tried about 20 times... hige put a field around his fortress....
yusuke: then all we can do is wait.... *pulls crystal into his lap*
kurama: *looks back at them, eyes cold, face tearstained* no. we attack at dawn.
hiei: *grins* now ur talking.
crystal: NO!!! i wont let u!! ur going to get hurt!!
yusuke: crystal we have to... its the best we can do.. u, botan and koenma can stay out of the carnage while still being able to survey the scene.. u can call for help if we need it.
crystal: *pouts* fine, but if one of u gets hurt its ur own fault!!! and i want to fight with u guys!!
yusuke: *wraps arms around her and kisses neck* ur so cute when ur stubborn. ok fine u can fight... but u have to promise me not to do anything too dangerous.
crystal: redface fine. (whats an entry w/o crystal blushing at least once?)
hiei: exelent! i cant wait!!
kurama: *looks back out window* im sorry amber... we have to stop this.. even if it means destroying u...
---4:00 AM the next morning---
amber: master hige! *bangs on higes door*
hige: *wakes up groggily* 5 more minutes...
amber: master hige, y-yusukes group plans to attack at dawn! we must prepare our defenses..
hige: *snaps to consiousness* u saw this?
amber: y-yes hige..
hige: *bursts out bedroom door* then we shall be ready. prepare my sister, she must be presentable to show to our new captives.
amber: u are confident we will win?
hige: of course. my armada is 300x bigger than his little troupe.
amber: *bows* yes master.. *goes to kyrin*
hige: *out of earshot*
amber: what do i do kyrin? i cant fight them! and hieis coming after me. he said "i want her head" i cant fight yusuke!!! let alone triclops!!
kyrin: its ok.. ill think of something
amber: it most certainly is not ok!! *unchains kyrin and helps her into clean clothes* im going to die kyrin... kurama doesnt even care...
kyrin: we.... i could... *snaps fingers* can u communicate w/ hiei?
amber: yes but he cant talk back....
kyrin: perfect. *places hands on ambers temples and thinks* hiei?
hiei: kyrin!! ur alive.. thk god... where are u? can i---
kyrin: shut up for a sec hiei and listen. i put amber up to the traitor job so dont kill her, and dont bother attacking, ur outnumbered 300 to 1.
hiei: but we..
kyrin: i dont want u dying today hiei. oh and slap kurama for me. my hands are sorta useless right now...
hiei: were coming for u kyrin, were already halfway there. we'll be together soon snow angel. *ends transmission*
kyrin: hiei! no... *removes hands from ambers temples*
amber: *gasps for air* OW!! CRAP KYRIN THAT HURT!!!
kyrin: im sorry amber, i couldnt stop them.
amber: i have to change... this outfit wouldnt last five minutes fighting hiei..
kyrin: hieis not gonna attack u amber, i told him not to.
amber: hiei has enough reason to come and attack me. i dont go off of orders kyrin, including urs. i came cause i wanted to.
kyrin: amber, dont be stupid.
amber: i belong to hige now kyrin. see? *shows her higes insignia burned into her arm* im not a good guy. *leaves to change*
kyrin: amber... *sits down on rack* well that couldve gone better...
hiei/yusuke/kurama/crystal: *stand in front of higes fortress*
hiei: this is it..
kurama: *sighs* i cant beleive im doing this...
yusuke: maybe amber will only escape with some minor injuries kurama! dont be such a pessimist
hiei: ill make sure she doesnt escape alive. no matter what kyrin says.. i noe amber. she doesnt take orders unless forced to. if hige has branded her... then shes his. no matter how co c ky she gets.
kurama: im just gonna focus on taking down hige...
yusuke: *pats his shoulder* its for the best..
crystal: why do we have to fight her?? isnt she our friend?
kurama: not anymore crystal, and remember, u dont have to fight amber or hige. u just have to get past the other minions and find kyrin.
crystal: ok.... *expression hardens* im ready.
yusuke: then lets go!!
hiei/yusuke/kurama/crystal: HRAAAAAAAAH! *charge door*
*door opens as they charge it, they skid to a halt*
amber: *decked out in an outfit sorta like this:

hello intruders. what business do u have here?
hiei: cut the crap amber, wheres kyrin?
amber: im sorry, master hige isnt allowing spectators at the present. *twirls sword dangerously* although it seems like u dont care what my master thinks.
yusuke: no we dont amber, now let us by! *tries to push by amber*
amber: *kicks him in gut, he falls backward, and steps on his stomach, sword pointed at his throat* i really dont want to kill u yusuke. plz dont give me a reason.
yusuke: *eyes widen* amber, y-you wouldnt really....
amber: *picks him up by his collar and throws him back at the group* anyone else?
crystal: *catches yusuke* HOW DARE U HURT MY YUSUKE!! *drops him and charges amber*
yusuke: crystal no!!
amber: *holds out one hand and grabs her by the throat* crystal, dont be ignorant. *lifts her into air*
crystal: agh!!! *struggles to get free*
amber: *holds sword point to her chest* im more powerful than all of u except for maybe hiei..
kurama: LET HER GO AMBER!!!
amber: *throws her towards them* i dont have time for this.
hiei: im tired of ur games!! *charges at her*
amber: *closes eyes* im sorry kyrin... *steps back and an electric feild appears in frame of door, a light goes on behind amber, and you can see kyrin having a knife held to her neck by hige and 100 archers poised and ready to shoot at yusukes group*
Community Member
I'd be crying through that whole thing.First because Hiei would really scare me!Second because I don't wan't to fight you and it really upsets me your hurting people like this!This is seriously one crazy entry.But keep going its great!
U noe that sword thing would totally freak me out!
And how dare you hurt my Yusuke! scream
UR so cruel!How can you hurt me like that?!Meanie! gonk
And quit it with the dang blushing redface ! scream