Kalkora: *mumbles* G'night.
Mimosa: *falls asleep and has a dream about being asleep* mnnm... ((whats in bold is dream))
Mimosa: *wakes up and steps out of his body and looks around* Whoa... *sees a dream bubble over Kal's head* Hey, that must be Kal's dream... Wonder what he's dreaming about... *goes over to him* I guess it wouldn't hurt to look... *climbs into the dream bubble*
Kalkora: *looks a bit older, and definitely taller, standing on a stage, sexy tango-ing with a girl who looks suspiciously like amber, except with that model/superstar/villaness prettiness to her*
Mimosa: *sits down in an empty seat* Wow.
*song ends and they end in a pose sort of like this, except Amber's head is back*

Crowd: *cheers*
Amber/Kalkora: *arms around eachother's waists, go over to the table where Mimi is sitting*
Mimosa: *realizes there are two other people next to him* Huh?

((Shut up. Just shut up.))
Kalkora: *eyes nearly pop out of his head* M-M-Mimi?!?
Judge on Mimosa's Left (JML): What a wonderful performance! My only question is... What are you doing after you win this competition?!
Crowd: *cheers*
Judge on Mimosa's Right (JMR): I found it good, but not original. You're twirls were a bit loose, next time I expect it to be more cleaned up, okay?
Amber/Kalkora: *nod as crowd cheers*
JML/JMR: *look at Mimosa expectantly*
Mimosa: Uhh... I've gotta go!! *gets up and leaves*
JML: Well... without a third judge, you can't really win, so... DISQUALIFIED!
Amber: *slight spanish accent* I don't dance with LOSERS. *walks off*
Kalkora: NOOO!!! *wakes up*
Kalkora:*bolts up and looks around* Just a dream... But why was Mimi there?!
Mimosa: *fallen out of the dreamcloud* Yikes.. Okay, that was odd. *goes out of the room and sees a dream bubble from down the hall* Oh that must be Ryan's dream! *hops ino the dream cloud*
*In Ford Ampitheatre, major light action!*
Mimosa: He's dreaming about a concert? OH! Being in a concert.
*Circus starts playing*
Mimosa: Uhh... This isn't Ryan's dream... O_O
Crystal: *comes out in a total skimpy Brittany Spears outfit, singing Circus*
Mimosa: AHH! MY EYES! SO UN-NATURAL! *can't stop staring*
Crystal: *looks out into the crowd, sees Mimosa, BLUSHES INSANELY, and trips and falls flat on her face*
Crowd: BOOOO!!
Crystal: *runs of the stage crying*
Mimosa: *hops out of the dream bubble* Ouch...
Crystal: *crying in her sleep* Why Mimosa...??
Mimosa: Okay, thats enough for to-- *hears cheering* Hmm? *looks out the window and sees a bubble from Yusuke's house* Well... One more. *hops into the bubble*
Yusuke: *cheering on some dude who's chugging a drink, looks about 20, with fuzz on his upper lip* WOO!!
Mimosa: *facepalms* Frat party. Of course.
Random girl: *taps yusuke on the shoulder*
Yusuke:*turns around* Yah?
RG: *randomly kisses him*
Yusuke: *kisses back*
Mimosa: Oh wow. Well this is delightfully boring. *about to leave*
Guy: *picks up Mimosa* Hey lil man!
Mimosa: GAH! Put me down! *kicking*
Yusuke: *looks up* Is that mimi...? What the heck is he doing here? *stands up* Bruno! Bring him over here man.
Guy: *walks over with Mimosa*
Mimosa: *struggling* PUT! ME! DOOOOOWN!!!!!
Yusuke: It IS you Mimosa! What the heck are you doin at my party?!
Mimosa: stare I don't know. What are you doing?
Yusuke: Uhh... I honestly don't know. I forgot after shot number 8.
RG: *looks at Mimosa* You're hot.
Yusuke: *looks at RG, then Mimosa, and growls*
Mimosa: HEY! She said it not me. *smiles condescendingly* It's your dream dude.
Yusuke: Bruno. Drop him. OFF THE BALCONY!!!
Bruno: Duuuh... Yessir. *walks over to the balcony and dangles Mimi over it*
Bruno: Duuh.... Okay. *drops him*
Mimosa: AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *falls out of the dream cloud into Amber's dream cloud*
Yusuke: *tosses slightly* Mimosaaaaaaa...... *growling*
Mimosa: *falls on top of Amber who's lying on a beach chair in a french bikini, wearing trunks himself* Unph...
Amber: *blushes* Men falling from the sky? *lifts his head by his hair* Oh. It's just you.
Mimosa: Nice to see you too! *realizes he's on top of her* OH!!! SO SORRY!!! *gets off of her blushing insanely*
Amber: Bon-bons? *takes a box that just appeared*
Mimosa: Uh... No thanks. This is probably the best dream I've been in.
Amber: Yeah, I have the same dream every night.
Mimosa: Really! Can I come?
Amber: Sure.
*suddenly, all the guys in our crew come out in trunks with PERFECT bodies and PERFECT tans*
Mimosa: GOODBYE! *dives into the ocean and swims out of the cloud*
Amber: *lies there, not affected*
Mimosa: *walks out of the house* Well that was fun... *goes back into his dreamcloud* Now for some sleep.
Yusuke/Kal/Crystal: MIMOSA!!!!
Mimosa: *sits straight up* AH!!
Yusuke/Kal/Crystal: STAY OUTTA OUR DREAMS!
Kalkora: You ruined my dance!!!
Crystal: And my show!!!
Yusuke: And my party!!!
Amber: Does anyone have a quarter?
All: *look at her*
Amber: I'm out of bon-bons!
Mimosa: Oh WOW.
Amber: You should join my dream again sometime Mimosa, I had fun.
All: eek
Amber: Uhhh....
Kalkora: Oh really.
Crystal: Yusuke? Put him back to sleep.
Yusuke: Gladly! *about to punch him*
Amber: *holds his fist back* I have a better way. *whispers something to Crystal*
Crystal: *smirks slightly* Okay.
Amber/Crystal: *go on either side of Mimi and simeltaineously kiss his cheek*
Mimosa: *blushes then faints*
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