---the setting is 2 weeks after kurama.... kidnapped? saved? ur pick. anyhoo... ive been w/ yuskes group for 2 weeks (crystal has not yet arrived)---
yusuke: *walking down street* man, im bored... kuwabaras playing the good kid and going to school so im stuck w/ nothing to do.
amber: (who, btw, has been flirting openly w/ him for the last week) hi yusuke! heart
yusuke: ugh. amber, what do u want? (thinks: shes almost as bad as keiko gawd...)
amber: just wanted to see u!
yusuke: thats nice. now buzz off.
amber: *comes behind him and hugs him* why would i do that?
hiei/kyrin: *sitting in a tree a few feet away watching*
hiei: shes pathetic. why did kurama bring her to us?
kyrin: shes gonna bite it big time if she keeps annoying yusuke, hes really aggravated...
yusuke: *shakes her off* ugh ur so weird!! *kicks her in face*
amber: *jumps but the kick still connects with her chin* ow!! *force of kick sends her flying towards a mud puddle*
*suddenly a pinkish blur flies toward her and catches her bridal style before she falls but lands in the puddle with her but holds her so she doesnt get muddy and omg this is long lol*
amber: *gasps* wh-who?
hiei: well well well. looks like foxboys got himself a gf..
kyrin: wow. and to think i thought he was gay.
kurama: ive got u... are u ok?
amber: yes, my chin just hurts. but ur all muddy.. im sorry!
yusuke: *thinks hopefully* plz get her to like u kurama.. PLZ!!!
kurama: its alright, *to yusuke* its just that this mud will take HOURS to get out of my hair...
hiei/kyrin: *jaw drops and eye twitches*
kyrin: i stand corrected...
amber: ive got some conditioner that can take *looks into his deep jade eyes for the first time* can take.... it... out... *eyes turn from topaz to a hazelish green and thinks: crap... his eyes are so deep!*
hiei: *tries not to laugh*
kyrin: what?
hiei: the idiot pirate likes him..
kyrin: thats sweet! i hope she doesnt crush him like those other girls though...
kurama: *staring into her eyes* d-did ur eyes just change color?
amber: *still staring at him* ya, they do that.. uve got really pretty eyes, u noe that?
kurama: *blushes a little* u too... theyre the same color as the leaves of a honeysuckle....
amber: do u like honeysuckles?
kurama: i love them.
amber: *blushes and brings her face closer to his* i love roses.. theyre my favorite flower...
kurama: i love you...
yusuke/hiei/kyrin: *gasp in unison*
amber: *blushes* i-i love you too..
yusuke/hiei/kyrin: *gasp in unison again*
amber/kurama: *close their eyes and kiss in unison*
yusuke/hiei/kyrin: *gasp in unison again*
amber/kurama: *break kiss and smile*
kurama: *stands up and places amber down gently* come out hiei, kyrin.
hiei/kyrin: *jump down from tree*
hiei: smooth one romeo.
kyrin: *runs over to amber and hugs her* i knew ud come out if that tight little shell u kept urself locked up in!! *whispers to her* u noe, we all thought he was gay b4 u showed up.
amber: *shakes her off* um... thx wulfie..
kyrin: its kyrin.
amber: ok...
hiei: *punches kurama in arm* u showed us! i really had my doubts about u..
yusuke: THANK GOD!! IM FREE!
amber: *narrows eyes* let go of me kyrin. *lunges at yusuke w/ sword outstretched* HOW DARE U KICK ME!! THAT FREAKING HURT!!!
yusuke: yipes! *runs off*
amber: *stands there* YA U BETTER RUN!!
hiei: pathetic.
amber: *turns to him* excuse me?
kurama: *holds amber back* umm amber? thats not such a great idea...
hiei: scared ur gf's gonna get sliced up?
kyrin: plz dont kill her hiei.
hiei: ill just show the baka pirate onna what real swordsmanship looks like.
amber: baka pirate...... IDIOT TRICLOPS!!! *struggles against kuramas grasp* lemme go!
kurama: down girl.. calm down. *kisses head*
amber: fine. i wont kill him today.
hiei: like u could.
amber: *takes a deep breath* i have to break something..
kurama: maybe... *kisses her* better?
amber: *dazed* ya...
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Hobbits have more fun.

You saw what you saw, that's how we roll in the Shire.
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![]() The1RealChief Community Member ![]() |
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![]() The1RealChief Community Member ![]() |
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Community Member
and who falls in love that fast?One day?!
And you keep going on and off with him for sum reason.
And I wasn't in this one!
His hair?Conditioner?Your one seriously wacky chick. rolleyes