Amber/Yusuke: *jolt awake, hitting their heads on the desk* Gah!!

Guy: *walks into the classroom*
All Students: *confuzzled*
Amber: *whispers* Thank Enma it's last period on Friday.
Yusuke: *whispers* Who's the dude?
Mr. Romance: I'm James Romance---
All Girls: *sigh*
Mr. Romance: *smiles charmingly* Anyway, I'm 29 years old and a Libra. I... *chuckles* I like Pina Coladas and getting caught in the rain.
Guys: *gape at him*
Girls: *gaze at him adoringly and giggle(except Crystal, she doesn't DO giggling)*
Mr. Romance: Since your teacher Mrs. Smitt is off on maternity leave *chuckles slightly* I'll be your teacher. Any questions?
Girl in back of class: What's your number hot stuff?
Several other girls: *catcall*
Mr. Romance: *chuckles* Now ladies, let's keep things school appropriate.
girls: *giggle*
Mr. Romance: Now, I'd like every student to stand up and introduce themselves, starting with... *eyes fall on Amber* You.
Amber: *stands up confidently* I'm Amber Nicole Gwennyverre Isabella Swayne, 16 years old, and an Aries, the astrological soulmate of Libra, Leo, and Gemini. *flashes him a grin and sits down*
Mr. Romance: Well, Hello Amber. I'm sure we'll become VERY close.
Yusuke: *stands up* I'll go next. I'm Yusuke Urameshi. You don't need to know my age, or my astrological sign. Amber's MY girl, and I'm watching you, Romance.
Mr. Romance: Well I can see that we'll get along nicely. *smiles sweetly at him*
Yusuke: *growls and sits down*
Kurama: *stands up* My name is Shuichi Minamino. 16, turning 17 this October. I'm a Libra as well, and am currently in a relationship with Crystal Heart. *sits down*
Mr. Romance: Nice to meet you, Shuichi.
Crystal: *stands, blushing softly* My name is Crystal Heart, and as Shuichi mentioned, I am his girlfriend. I'm 16, and a Pieces. *sits down*
Mr. Romance: How lovely. Your name reflects the refreshing pools of blue that are your eyes.
Crystal: *lets out an uncharacteristic giggle*
Mimosa: *stands up* I'm Mimosa Demmington. Like Yusuke, I don't think its necessary for you to know my age or astrological sign. *sits down*
Kalkora: *stands up and his eyes flash from Amber to Mr. Romance* Kal Demmington. Mimosa's my twin. *sits down*
*bell rings*
Mr. Romance: Have a nice evening, and Amber, I'd like to speak with you after class.
Amber: Kay.
Yusuke/Kal/Crystal/Kurama/Mimosa: *hesitate*
Mr. Romance: ALONE.
Yusuke/Kal: No way.
Amber: Guys, I'll be fine. Just go home, I'll catch up with you.
Y/K/C/K/M: *reluctantly leave*
Mr. Romance: *locks the door behind them, closes the blind on the window by the door*
Amber: Mr. Romance? Um..
Mr. Romance: Shh... *lifts her so she's sitting on a desk and suddenly puts a gag in her mouth*
Amber: *eyes widen, and she tries to scream, but fails*
===7:00 PM, Crystal's place===
Amber: *comes into the room, looking at her feet, face red and tearstained*
Mimosa: *the only one there, reading*
Amber: *looks up and sighs in relief* Oh good... Is Yusuke gone?
Mimosa: Yes. Why are you home so late?
Amber: I... *breaks down sobbing*
Mimosa: Woah! Amber! Calm down, what's wrong??