Amber: *blinks awake, lying next to yusuke on the couch after an 18 hour movie marathon* Mmmn...
Yusuke: *moans and rollsover, accidentally pushing amber off the couch*
Amber: *falls off and is now wide awake* Ow! *flicks Yusuke in the ear* Jerk.
Yusuke: *sits straight up* Space Monkeys!! *blinks* Huh...?
Amber: *rolls her eyes* I'm getting the mail. *leaves, then comes back with a worried face*
Yusuke: *stretches* You alright?
Amber: How much money do we have?
Yusuke: Why?
Amber: *fans out all the bills* This is why.
Yusuke: Crap! Um... I've got some cash from when I used to work at that ramen stand...
Amber: We need jobs.
Yusuke: *cringes* Seriously..?
Amber: No! Of course not! Let's just sit on our lazy butts till the state comes and hauls you back to your mother's and me to an orphanage somewhere!
Yusuke: Okay, jeez... *stands up* We'll go look for work tomorrow... * pulls her close and wraps his arms around her waist, smirking* But for now... *leans in to kiss her*
Amber: *picks up Devil and puts him in Yusukes face*
Devil: *yips, then sneezes*
Yusuke: *eyes fly open and he lets go of her, coughing* Ugh!! Ew, dog slobber!
Amber: *cuddles Devil* Good doggie! *blows a rasberry kiss on his head and puts him down* We're going job hunting right now. Get dressed in something presentable.
Yusuke: *grumbles* When did you and Crystal switch bodies?
Amber: I heard that!
Yusuke: *finally comes out in a black t-shirt and jeans*
Amber: *wearing a minidress w/ her hair clipped back* No. Go change.
Yusuke: You're lucky I even got off the couch.
Amber: *sighs* Fine.
Yusuke: And what is that? A cutesy little babydoll dress? What, have you been raiding The Gap or something??
Amber: You think you're soooo funny!
Yusuke: You're turning into a little prep!
Amber: *does the preppy little "eh-!" thing* Am not!
Yusuke: Case in point.
Amber: Call me when you're done being immature! *walks out and slams the door*
Yusuke: *rolls his eyes and flops on the couch, muttering obscenities and lighting up a cigarette*
Amber: *calls Crystal* Pickuppickuppickup...
==At Crystal's==
Ryan: Okay, I'm sick of you two mooching!!
Kalkora/Mimosa: *look up from watching Yu Yu Hakusho* You know, it's amazing how much the characters in this show look like Yusuke and Kurama and stuff.
Ryan: Get a job!!
Kalkora/Mimosa: *go all twinly silence on him*
Ryan: You! Two! Get! A! JOB!
Kalkora/Mimosa: Why should we?
Crystal: WILL YOU THREE SHUT UP!? I'M TRYING TO FIND MY PHONE!! *finds it* HELLO?? *clears her throat embarresdly and lowers her voice* I-I mean, um.. Hello?
Amber: Finally. Can you pick me up?
Crystal: Um, sure. Where are you?
Amber: In front of Yusuke and m--- *voice flattens* In front of Yusuke's place.
Crystal: Did something happen?
Amber: Yes, now can you just pick me up?? *about to cry*
Crystal: I'll be there as soon as possible, okay? *hangs up*
==Back @ Crystal's==
Amber: *sniffling and eating rocky road ice cream out of the carton*
Crystal: I don't think you were being all that unreasonable Amber...
Kal: I dunno, she IS a cheerleader.
Crystal: Shut up Kal!
Kal: *rolls his eyes*
Amber: I just don't want him getting in trouble with the law or something... I mean, our apart- HIS apartment is so trashy, and it's in the worst neighborhood, but it still costs money...
Crystal: Well, I think we could probably convince him that he's wrong... *smirks*
Amber: *smiles a bit* I like that smirk...
Crystal: Hey Mimosaaa~?
Mimosa: Whaaat? *looks at her funny*
Crystal: I'll do anything you want if you pretend to be with Amber in front of Yusuke!
Amber: *blushes* Wh-what??
Kal: Hey, why him?
Crystal: Cause you aren't enough of a good boy. Pleeeeease Mimosa?
Mimosa: *kinda flustered (and influenced by her Eye Power thingy)* I-I guess...
Crystal: Good!
==Later, at Yusuke's place==
Yusuke: *watching TV*
Amber: Right through here Mimosa.
Yusuke: *looks up* Well look who it is. Why're you here priss?
Amber: Oh, Mimosa wanted to help me get my stuff. I'm living with him now.
Yusuke: *frowns* What?
Mimosa: Yeah, she took what you said to heart, greaser. Amber the prep has a prep boyfriend now. Lucky me, huh? *smirks, gagging inside*
Yusuke: *actually hurt, but angry* What EVER!
Amber: Don't believe us?
Yusuke: Uh, no, I don't.
Mimosa: *grabs Amber's waist and kisses her*
Amber: *somewhat shocked, but kisses back*
Yusuke: *growls, then grabs Amber's shoulder and pushes him away* Get your hands off her.
Amber: Yusuke, what's your problem??
Mimosa: Yes, Yusuke, what's your problem?
Yusuke: Can it pretty boy, while I show you how a real man does it. *pulls Amber against him and kisses her passionately, slipping his tongue into her mouth*
Amber: *eyes widen and she melts into the kiss, closing her eyes*
Kal: *pops out his reddish-pink contacts* My work here is done. *leaves*
==The next day at Crystal's place==
Amber: We worked out a compromise. *sunggled up close to Yusuke on the couch*
Crystal: That's good! Let's hear it.
Yusuke: *arm around Amber's shoulder* Well, I'll get a job... But you all have to get one too!
Kal: No way.
Mimosa: Pass.
Kurama: I actually have one already.
Crystal: Uh, how is this a compromise between you two?
Yusuke: It's not. But I can beat you all into a pulp if you don't want to cooperate!
Amber: *laughs* Down, boy.
Kal: Well... I guess I could do SOMETHING to cure my boredom.
Mimosa: *sighs*
==At mall==
Amber: Okay, I say we all split up and met back here in three hours.
Kurama: Alright, sounds reasonable.
Amber: Hmm... *sees Fredrick's of Hollywood* Ah.. *goes in*
Yusuke: *walking around aimlessly* Hrnn... *sees a HELP WANTED sign in the window of Game Stop* Heey! *jogs in*
Kurama: *closes his eyes and inhales deeply, then walks into Teavana and smiles*
Crystal: Maybe.... *looks over at Starbucks* Hm... *walks in*
Mimosa: *annoyed, picks the first shop he sees* I guess this'll do. *trudges into Swarvoski*
Kalkora: *sees a group of hot girls go into Perfumaina* Score! *runs in jauntily*
==A few hours later==
All: *giddily chatting about their new jobs*
Amber: Yeah, they accepted me right away, not sure why though. *fluffs her hair and blinks innocently* (Yes, she is wearing a push up bra that's too small for her and a very short skirt, lol)
Crystal: The girls there are SO nice! (poor Crystal, their preppy deciet fooled even you... *sadface*)
Kalkora: You should have SEEN those legs! *shows a couple pictures to yusuke that he took on his cellphone*
Mimosa: You would think that people that sell fine crystals would know the difference between Opal and Opalite.
Kurama: The effects of tea on the mind are very soothing...
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Hobbits have more fun.

You saw what you saw, that's how we roll in the Shire.