amber: *sighs* ugh, i wanna go swimming!! i mean i like the cold, but swimming is so fun!! gonk *eyes are a silverish topaz*
kurama: well it is sorta cold out...i dont want you to freeze... confused
amber: *expression stiffens* ill be fine. as i said, im fine with the cold. mad *eyes turn a light blue*
kurama: *struggles for a compromise* umm.... how about we go to that hotel with the heated indoor pool? idea
amber: *eyes turn green* ya! that would be fun!! *takes out cell phone and calls kyrin/hiei, yusuke/crystal, and kuwabara (who doesnt answer)* ok, everyone but kazuma's coming! he didnt answer...
kurama: *thinks: *phew* saved from certain death there... and, YES!!!* says: oh well. he did say that he had a part time job..
amber: ok..*goes into other room and changes into swimsuit and coverup* lets go!
kurama: hold on, let me change!!
amber: *already out door*
kurama: someones impatient.. *changes quickly and follows her*
---once there---
kurama: *wearing (SHUT UP CRYSTAL!!!!) magenta rose-print trunks* hello crystal, yusuke.
yusuke: *wearing green lizard trunks, snickers* pink....
kurama: *frowns* did u have something to say yusuke? *reaches back casually toward rose in hair*
amber: *wearing gold string bikini with shells on it, places hand on his arm* easy boy, dont kill him yet, we may need him during our chicken match.
crystal: *wearing baby blue string bikini thats sparkly* was that an insult amber?!
kurama: *steps in front of amber* peace crystal, its a game.
amber: *annoyed, steps out from behind him* im fine kurama. *transmits to him telepathically* i could take her anyway.
kurama: no fighting today amber! we're here to enjoy ourselves. *groans* this may get difficult...hello kyrin, hiei...
amber: *temporarily stunned when she sees hiei in trunks, but gets over it, smiles evilly* so whos ready to lose in a chicken match?
kyrin: *wearing dark blue-green string bikini with bubble-print* we'll take u on amber! comeon ishkabibbles!! *drags him towards pool and pushes him in, her rite behind*
hiei: *wearing black and red flame-print trunks with hair down and bandages off* woah!! *falls in*
amber: cannonball! *cannonballs in and pops back up* come in kuramananmanama!
kurama: *eases himself in on steps* alright, im coming honeysuckle.
amber: *pulls him in* well hurry up! i call top!
kyrin: ive got this one hiei! *jumps onto his shoulders* onward!
hiei: *balances her* man, i wanted to punch her in the face...
yusuke: no rules! anything goes except murder!
crystal: anything? dang this is gonna be hard to ref..
amber: *hops onto kuramas shoulders* we have the upper hand here, were 3 ft taller than you two!
kurama: wait... if theres more than one ref, isnt there supposed to be a tiebreaker judge?
yusuke: ya but we dont have a---
????????: urameshi???
----come back later for the suspenseful reveal of the stranger!! (ha ha im not gonna tell u yet! but i will say that its the jarhead that we all know and hate, figure it out from there!!)----
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