I wrote out a journal entry a few days ago, but because I don't surf Gaia while typing up a journal entry, it was awwllll lost when I clicked submit, and I was a little upset considering it took up a bit of my time. I wish Gaia had a Save Draft button now. I used to always get annoyed with those, but that could've been really handy a few days ago. Blarghh. So from now on, I'm gonna have to select everything, copy/cut it, open up a new Post New Entry page, paste, and then submit it. Some chicken up in this bullshiit, if you ask me! Hehe.
So the last entry was an update on some things in my life, but since that was a while ago, I don't even remember what the topics were. Oh well.
Anywho. Boys. Silly boys. Silly boys and their sexual fantasies. Silly boys and their sexual fantasies and they're attempts at trying to include you in them making you wonder if they think you're some easy biitch. If that's the case, do all the guys think this is so? Ugh. For example, I was texting a guy last night. He's kinda new in town, and we were just texting about general things. I ask him what's he up to and after a while, he says he just got out of the shower. And I text back "oh, uh cool. Well I'm just watching tv." Then he texts back "so question...have you ever had sex in the shower?" I tell him no, I'm a virgin. Then he says "well legitly i wanna have sex in the shower" and I text back "....uh" He says "LoL, I didn't mean with you! Unless you were game(; Then hell yeah" I tell him we'd have to know each other better, and he texts back "What a good way to get to know each other(;" And it went back and forth for a bit, him insisting on it, then finally he says "All right, i see i see(:" And I text him "Sorry I'm not easier lol" Then he texts back "Darn...well no one wants easy....brb." And that was it.
Haven't texted him since, lol. Well that was just last night, but I don't plan on texting him for a while now. Erlack. Not only that, but apparently he's been making out with a bisexual friend of mine. Or so the bisexual friend tells me. I don't have anything against bisexual people or anything, but I prefer my guys straight. None of that one-girlfriend-and-one-boyfriend bullshiit. Even if the guy doesn't do that sort of a thing, it would be easier not having to worry about whether or not he was looking at those guys that just passed by AND that girl that just walked by. (I speak from experience) But I get this really strong feeling that he's just saying that. I think he's fibbed before... Ah well.
So on to the subject of school. Two weeks from now would be my first day of school. Which is a little odd for some people because most schools start in August I hear? Ah well. Already did some clothes shopping. I need to do school supply shopping as well; already compiled a list. I hope we aren't given lists AFTER school starts because that's just bullsh*t. My school has these events called Wolfpack Days. These two days are held about three weeks before the first day of school, and that's when you pick up your schedule, locker assignment, parking permits, get your school photo taken, put money in your lunch account, change/fix your schedule, pay off fines from the previous year, and pay for any class fees. I have to pay $35 a semester to take my Photography elective class, and I already paid $18 for the workbook for my German class. Bleghh, I switched out of the AP US History class and into the regular class. That'll probably free up quite a bit of time, whew! Especially since I'm gonna take drivers' education in October. It only lasts two months or so, but they give you homework as well, and I would like to have some time to study the driving handbook for the test at the end of the classes. I hear it's rather tedious, so yeah.
I'm not sure what to expect of the school year, except for lots of hard work, of course. Sophomore year for me turned downright awful thanks to all the loads of projects the Honors World Literature teacher threw on us. Six projects within a month! Ughh. But I hear the AP English Literature teacher is less as taxing compared to the other one. I really hope so.
That's all I feel like typing now, so this is the end of the entry now. c: