Wellll, I've been dating the guy mentioned in the pervious entry since January 2. He is very sweet to me, much sweeter than any other guy I've met. He takes the time to tell me I'm beautiful every day, opens doors for me, pulls out chairs for me, pushes the chair in for me, pays for my coffee, and is very respectful of my wishes. The best compliment from the last guy I dated was, "You look good." He might've said, "You look really good," but I can't quite recall. It is still a little strange for me, being with such a gentleman of a guy, but I always let him know I really appreciate it. It's not like I require every guy to be this way. He totally surprises me with how polite and well-mannered he is. I didn't have to say a thing to him, and just like that, he's Mister Charming. c:
His crazy ex did try to contact the both of us a week after we had started dating. I was at his house watching movies with him and she texted him, saying she wanted to apologise. He didn't text her back, and she texted him again, saying it's not right of him tohold grudges and basically was trying to guilt-trip him. Haha, if you're going to make an apology, all you do is say your apology, not try to anger someone. He still didn't text her back, so she texted me instead! She still has my number! Dx I didn't text her back, so she texted him again, saying that it's not fair of us to ignore her and that all she wants to do is apologise. So I take his phone and text her, "We got your apology. Enough now." I don't know what she texted back, and to be honest, I don't really care. I still don't know what this girl even looks like. But she's transferring to our school next semester, and that is after this coming week I believe.
I doubt any fighting will happen, which I am glad for. I've never been in a fisticuffs before, and I would like to keep it that way. She'll probably try to talk to me though, and depending on what she says, I'll either be polite or be rude and tell her to piss off. I will not be having her bring negativity into my life. o:<