There hasn't been any cheer practice since tryouts. But that's okay; I've been practicing the dance and the cheers we had learned, and making my movements more sharp and tight. There's a mandatory parent meeting for cheer tonight at my school at 5:30pm. Of course, I'm not going. And then this Saturday is uniform fitting. And since the head coach told me I can move up to Varsity before school starts, I have to pay the Varsity price. The Varsity uniforms aren't that different; it's just a few extra pieces added on. I got invited to a cheer bonding sleepover at a Varsity cheerleader's house for this Friday night. I think I'll go to it. I'm able to, and it's a great way to get to know the other cheerleaders. Then we'll all go together to the uniform fittings.
Saturday night is also Junior Prom. I already have my dress! Junior Prom is not as formal as Senior Prom, so my dress is one-shoulder, mid-thigh, and with a pink bust. The theme is Candyland. I'll paint my nails grey Thursday night; the grey looks good with the pink. I'm going with Clay of course. c:
Okay, now for more recent news.
Yesterday, I woke up around 4:00am and felt extremely nauseous. I went to the doctor around 9:45am, and as soon as I sat down in one of the back rooms, I asked for the trash can in case I vomit. About three seconds after I got the can and the nurse was asking the usual questions when you first come in, I threw up. That was my first throwing up yesterday. It sucked and I felt pretty bad about it. Yeah, I was sick, but still. So then the nurse gave me a bunch of tissues to wipe my face with and a cold-water-soaked washcloth for my forehead. Then my doctor came in, asked a few questions about my illness, and then had me go down the street to get my blood drawn for a white blood cell count. I get over there around 10:45am, and there are 17 other people who are already waiting in line. AUGH! I sign in, and wait. I'm still feeling nauseous and crappy. I go outside for a breather, then go to the bathroom for privacy. I didn't throw up in there. My mom gets me because my name was called. I sign a form, then my mom signs it, and I go sit in a chair. Literally 20 seconds later, the nurse calls my name, I marvel at the fast service, and I sit in a chair. She gets the needle ready, and cleans my arm. I ask to have the trash can closer because I knew I was going to up-chuck after the drawing. There's a second chair five feet to my left; an old man is occupying it and there's another nurse. By this time it's 11:50am. After my nurse taped my needle-site down with a piece of cotton, I ask to have the trash can in my lap, and I then 15 seconds later, I throw up. The nurse draws a curtain around me and closes the door to the waiting room. The old man in the chair goes, "Awh... Well, there goes lunch." And he and the nurse try to make light of hearing me puke. I feel bad again, lol. After I finish, and get cleaned up, and get a drink of water, I go home and nap. Throwing up after the blood-draw was the last time I threw up yesterday. The doctor calls me around 1:00pm and asks me to come back. She tells me I'm producing baby white blood cells, which she finds unusual and that it means I have a bacterial infection. She has me move my leg one way, and then another. She asked if I had discomfort in my stomach, and I said yes. She tells me I need to go to the ER because everything's pointing to appendicitus. Even though I had no pain, just nausea in my belly. The hospital was an AWFUL experience. The nurse put the IV in my left arm, but missed the vein. And she told me, "Aww no.. It keeps rolling around under the skin!" which is a terrible thing to tell the patient! I can already feel it! I was crying from the pain at this time. So she took it out and went to my right arm, and I could tell she got the vein because it hurt worse. I was hyperventilating from panic, and my hands seized up and turned totally numb. The numbing was getting into my legs, my jaw, and my temples. And I told the nurse I was getting numb in all these places, and she didn't say anything; she just left the room. I thought the numbness was from the IV, not from my hyperventilating. I didn't even realize my breathing was erratic either, until the real doctor man came in about fifteen minutes later and told me the numbness is from me panicking.
Turns out I only had the stomach flu! I was in the hospital for six hours! I feel better now though.