So I didn't make the Varsity squad. It's not that I sucked though. I made junior varsity, only because I don't have stunt experience. I talked with the head coach, and she said if I get stunting basics down over the Summer, I can move up to Varsity. I am determined to get those stunting basics down! I'm the only Senior on JV, but there are a few cool Juniors who made JV. Some of them got placed in JV for the second year. We can all work together to become good enough for Varsity!
And things with the Irrigation Festival Royalty are going great. Just got back from the Tacoma Daffodil Festival Parade, and we got to take home the Grand Sweepstakes award! That means we got judged as the best-looking float! Hooray!
Sorry for the vague-ness, but I am totally tired out! Peace.