Happy New Year! My first journal entry of 2011!
One more year until I graduate from high school now! Well, a year and a half, technically, but still; I'm that much closer!
I have a few New Years' resolutions for myself. Get back into exercising and regain flexibility in my back and legs. Trim the waist to 25 inches without sucking in. Procrastinate less on schoolwork. Be more diligent in my skin care routine. And expel the negativity in my life.
So I'm going to try to establish an exercise routine this week and keep up with it, focus on ab workouts for the waist trim, put schoolwork first first first, keep myself awake long enough to wash away all the make-up from my face and clean my skin, and avoid negative thoughts and negative people.
So for my exercise routine, I think I'll exercise for an hour before bed on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays. I read in an article that the average person doesn't actually start to burn calories until after 30 minutes of exercise. So I'll probably spend the first half hour doing abdominal exercises, push-ups, and dumbbell exercises; then the last half hour stretching and straining the flexibility in my back and legs. I take showers at night, so I shall exercise before the shower.
Then for schoolwork, I'll have to muster up enough motivation and energy to be willing to jump into it as soon as I get home. I think I'll have to cut down on texting for that, because texting demands a lot of my attention. I try to think of something rewarding so as to look forward to coming home, or to look forward to finishing up schoolwork. Haha, I'll just start looking forward to this new sugar body scrub I got for Christmas. It's hot chocolate scented. I don't think the hot makes a difference, but that is what is printed on the label.
For skin care, that depends on when I finish my schoolwork. Some nights, I finish really late and then I'm too tired to even want to wash my face. But I guess that could be like a tidy, refreshing break from schoolwork or something.
Now negativity. This can be hard to avoid for me because my parents argue a lot over stupid little things. My home environment can often turn pretty stressful. And then a snappy, sassy little sister to add into the mix can really get me worked up, heh. But I usually just hole myself up in my room and just distract myself with schoolwork, texting, reading a novel, or sleeping. Maybe I can get myself back into drawing. And then recently, an ex of a guy I'm interested in had gotten ahold of my phone number. She's been texting me some lies about the guy because she still wants him. And then she called him up and told him I was just toying with him. He didn't believe her, of course, because I don't even know her. But apparently, she's going to attend my school this coming semester. She's a Sophomore; a stupid, self-contradicting one at that. She's told the guy I'm interested in that she's going to confront me and all this crap. To be honest, I was thinking about confronting her myself. But I can wait for her to come to me.
I only hope she doesn't want to try to fight me. Fighting on school campus results in automatic suspension, and I don't want to ruin my chances with Royalty either. So I told the guy that I will do my best to ignore her, and hopefully she'll just drop all this crap soon.
Anyway, I hope you had a good New Years' Eve, happy holidays, and a greater new year coming your way♥♥ c: