It's nearly one in the morning right now.
Anyhow, I had my second appointment with my counselor, Lucille yesterday afternoon.
It was more pleasant; I didn't cry. We did talk about a few Touchy Subjects, but we didn't go deep into conversation on them, so I managed quite well. Lucille had me do a drawing. I was to pick out two images from a selection of two sheets, imagine a story between them, draw it out, and then write what was happening.
I had picked out a dinosaur and a kittie. The dinosaur I decided to think of as a very large lizard (though they're technically not; whatever), and the kittie was the classic hissing cat image that looked very sinister to me. So I just copied the images and put them in a crudely drawn forest.
The kittie was exploring one day and stumbled upon the very large lizard. The very large lizard yelled at her and was all "Get out my territory, you evil-looking cat!" And the kittie growled "Miaaurr! I was just taking a stroll! If you could get past your anger, you'd see I'm actually not evil!" The lizard yelled back "I don't care; just get out or I'll crush you!" And the kittie said back "All right, fine. Stupid lizard..." And the lizard was all "Yeah, keep walking!" The kittie was a bit unnerved by the strange lizard's hostility, but she didn't really care.
I find this to be a bit reflective of the situation with my ex's ex from my previous journal entry. Hopefully, this coming school year, she and her friend will be a little nicer to me. If not, ah well.
I was nervous about visiting Lucille this time because I didn't know if we were going to hit the Touchy Subjects and get me to cry until I have another headache. Thankfully, it was not so at all. Since the first session, I've been staying more optimistic and I've had a more pleasant week at home. So I walked in nervous yet cheerful this time, and walked out cheerful as well.
In the lobby, I saw a friend of mine, which was pretty unexpected for me. I think she has Lucille for a counselor as well. I walked down to a local coffee shop and got some Sun. Agh, and because of the heat, I was wearing short shorts. So during my walk to the coffee shop, these two boys on bikes eyed me from across the street, so I avoided eye contact with them and just stared straight ahead, pretending to be oblivious because of my iPod, and one of them called me a slut. I shouted back "Fucckers," but still. It disrupted my optimism for five minutes. If that sort of thing happens again, I'll be more challenging. Friggin cowards are okay across the street, but I would've made sure they lost a ball each if they were on my sidewalk. Nahh, I don't want to get like that... Next time, I'll just shout something neutral. Like burst out in "Thriller" lyrics or something like that. I've done that once before to a good friend of mine across the football field, and even though he told me it was the weirdest thing ever, it was pretty funny to me.
Happily though, I saw familiar faces and exchanged greetings, and my best friend Kelsey who moved away to Arizona a month ago called me up and we talked and laughed for half an hour. c: