André was a butler, he had worked for his master all of his life. The man was middle aged, filthy rich, and the most infamous bachelor in the world it seemed. He never had the same woman twice, and if he did it was merely for her skills in bed. Not once did all the same people go to his parties. Only did the bachelors very, very close friends attend his parties more than once.
Now, André was the bachelor's nephew. He had been orphaned at a very young age, ten years old. His parent's and older sister were brutally murdered, and robbed after seeing a broadway show in New york. They were all shot multiple times, but luckily for André he had been at home with a babysitter, too young for the shows sexual content and language. So, His rich Uncle Tony took him in when he was in his twenties and just launching his career as a rich, single man. He told him to stay out of his private buisness and he would pay and house André if he worked at his parties. The two looked nothing alike, either, so nobody ever suspected a thing.
It was one particularly crowded party when André was serving wine and champagne to the hundreds of guests when a rather shady, half-drunken man came up to him, taking another glass of the clear, yellow bubbling champagne and leaning into André, he whispered a deal into the now twenty year olds ear.
Hey, hey kid. Listen. I hate this guy, 'es a real douche. Know what I mean?
André nodded, a playful smirk on his slim lips.
Yeah yeah, well, I been hired to kill 'im. I need to poison the man, 'an since you're his butler 'n all, I thought you'd do it for a good sum o' money. I'm too busy with other jobs 'n all. Ten grand to kill the old bugger. 'Eres the posion, a mix of arsenic and sum'thin else. Slip it into his wine or sum'thin. It ain't got no smell."
Before André could turn down the job and the small fortune that came with it, the poison and a card with a phone number and an adress was slipped into his pocket. He shrugged his shoulders. Sure, he'd do it alright. He had enough money, but ten grand never hurt anyone. He was the only family either of them had left, therefor he'd inherit all of the fortune. All of it.
André would be the new Unlce Tony. He would be the rich, handsome young bachelor that everyone admired and aspired to be.
With that, André planned to poison Tony's personal wine decanter than nobody but him was allowed to drink out of. Not even the bimbos that slept with him were ever allowed to let the fine, vintage wines in his decanter touch their tastebuds, unless it was through Tony's tounge they tasted it on when it was shoved down their throats.
Yes, this would go unnoticed. Nobody would ever expect the orphan whom would be homeless and poor without good 'ol Uncle Tony. André would do it, unless of course, he was distracted by someone. No, that was very unlikely to happen.
With these thoughts set aside, he continued on his way of serving drinks, never catching sight of the half-drunken man again.
Little did André know, someone else was going to be murdered. Uncle Tony's party would be crashed when the blood would be spilt.
[[Be literate, PM Me!! You can be someone at the party currently, or someone like a policeman/woman suspecting a murder or something. I LOVA YAOI it can go either way, I made sure it was able of that! ]]