She giggled with utter happiness
Her black pigtails falling in her face as she leaned over a man strapped down to a table, writhing and wiggling to free himself from the strong bindings. He looked around, his eyes frantic and filled with fear and horror. What he saw was a white room, similar to that of an operation room in hospitals, sterile, silver trays on silver tables with silver instruments carefully laid out on them, tables of gauze, stitching equipment, things of this sort. There were even televisions that monitered heart rates, levels on diffrent things in the blood. It was horrific, considering it laid in a house, a rather large house actually. It was in the basement, the whole basement taken up by medical rooms like these. It was the girls domain, her dark, thin form lingered throughout the rooms, tending to her 'patients'. One wouldn't really call them patients, actually, more of victims to any normal, sane person. But she was not normal, hardly sane at all.
The only reason people thought her to be either of these things at all was the cute front she put on. A pretty face, an adorable smile, an angelic laugh. She was like the bait, and everyone else was the fish. Worst part was, she was also the fisherman sitting in his boat, waiting to slice the fish open and see whats inside.
Back to the present, the man began to scream and yell. She frowned and grabbed his jaw forcefully, wrenching his neck to make the man look at her sweet, innocent face that contorted into an angry expression.
"Shut up."
Her voice, a whole diffrent story. It was soft, quiet, sweet, projected a fragile feeling about her. Yet the tone was filled with ice, vigor, and a harshness you wouldn't think was possible from the small young woman.
The man didn't listen at all, he proceeded to scream things like' Help!' and 'Someone get me out of here!'
She laughed demonically, a determined look in her dark eyes. She picked up a long, curved needle, one for sewing stitches. Grabbing the black thread used for stitching, she prepared the sterilized needle with her tiny, gloved hands. Without any numbing serum, nothing to ease the pain at all for the screaming man, she peirced his upper lip with the long curved needle. She pulled the thread through, the end reaching it, she peirced the bottom, sewing the left corner of his lip shut tight.
"Shh, screaming will only make it hurt more now. It'll pull and tug at it, until it rips out of your skin. Then what? More stitches!" She giggled again, purely delighted. The man stopped, his face a pool of pain and fear as his lips were sewn shut.
A minute or so later, the girl was done, the man's mouth was sewn shut, and there were droplets of blood dripping onto the operating table.
"The good patients learn not to scream. This is your punishment. Once you've been through this operation, I will let your mouth free, but NO noise." The man nodded.
With this, she smiled a tiwsted, dark smile and picked up a scalpel. She pulled off the blanket that lay ontop of the man, who wore nothing but a clean pair of white boxers, and went to his stomach.
"This hurts much less if you stay still." She said in her sweet tone before placing a cold hand on the mans stomach, and slicing from his belly button to the spot bellow his ribs. He tried to scream, only to be met with more pain and blood. She giggled again through the operational mask over her perfect, porcelain tanned skin and began to open up the man more.
[[Okay, this is REALLY weird...but I have never seen a roleplay like this, probably because it's so demented. Be anyone, I couldn't care less. She does have helpers that assist with the stuff she does. Im looking for romance, action, anything really. Pm me! Be literate! ]]