He was paid millions to steal things like pieces of art, royal crowns, things like this. It was a job he was rather good at.
Of course, his job had caused him to grow arrogant and cocky. He was lounging around in his loft, lying on a large, black leather couch, listening to the radio as he talked on the phone to his next client.
They wanted the Mona Lisa.
"Do you know how hard it's going to be to steal that thing?"
His eyebrows furrowed and he waited for a response. Hell, it was across the world.
"Yes, yes I do know Alejandro, but you're the only one with enough skill to do it, and it's being put on display at a high class, high security museum in New York this weekend, only there for a day or two. It's going to be a swanky party, and you can pull it off."
Alejandro sighed in annoyance at the man pleading to him on the phone.
"Fine. But only because I live in the god damned city. New York is crowded, wich makes the parties crowded. Yeah, I can do it. For a billion."
The voice on the other end of the telephone gasped
"Alright, alright."
Satisfied, Alejandro got the date and times and hung up the phone, standing from the couch.
"Looks like I'm making a billion dollars tonight."
Three hours later...
Alejandro had his tux on, his shaggy brown hair delicately falling over his deep, brown eyes. He had one hand in his pocket, and one hand holding a glass of red wine. He stood in front of the Mona Lisa, admiring its beauty as people's voices spoke in a low murmur, others quietly watching. He sighed, tipped back the glass and drank it in one sip.
He had a black bag stored in the ceiling, right above the wall the painting was hung on. He knew the walls were hollow, or at least the art displaying walls were, so he could easily steal the painting.
He managed to slip into the bathroom, finding his own stall he pushed up on the ceiling panels and slipped up into it. He yanked off his tuxedo, revealing a pair of black pants and a white undershirt, nothing special.
He left the tux in the celing as he found his bag, and began the process of stealing the painting when suddenly, a loud sawing was heard.
The spot he was on was carved out of the celing, and he crashed to the floor.
His bag came down with him, and scores of men in black suits with ear peices surrounded him.
One older, shorter man made himself stand out from the crowd with a throat clearing, Alejandro looked up at him.
"Damn it."
"Alejandro, My good man, we knew you would attempt this beauty. Thats why we kept a close eye on you. You were close son, very close. But no cigar."
"Great use of a cliche line, a*****e." He muttered before he was stricken over the head with something hard, and passed out.
The next day...
He woke up in a lavishly decorated office, handcuffed to a victorian age styled desk, lying on the floor in a striped sweater, and jeans, a cat cuddling up against him, purring.
He groaned, a headache throbbing through his skull. He sat up, the hand cuffs yanking at his wrist. Alejandro sighed as he looked around. He didn't recognize a thing, but he knew he had been caught by the one man that was capable of catching him. His Uncle.
"You've got to be kidding me...Where the hell am I?
[[PM me! Be literate please! Be a boy, or a girl, just don't be the uncle. I love yaoi, and romance role plays!]]