x M o n k e y f e e t x
I added black. D;

Total Value: 692,539 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Wed to Darkness
Satin Hairbow
Albus Egg
Elegant Snowy Cravat
Egyptian Gold Armlet
Chalk Glamrock Sleeveless Top
Dashing Gentleman Gold And Black Cane
Mona the Platypus
Nartian Rock 3rd Gen.
Dark Halo
Tiny Pixie Wings
White Leather Belt
Those Black 90s Gloves
Charcoal Velcro Sandals
Studded Leather Collar
Elegant Snowy Leggings
Soldat Alpine Pants
Golden Sparkles
Gold Pocket Watch
Gold Bracelet
Enchanted Strings
Egyptian Gold Anklet (right)
Egyptian Gold Anklet (left)

Total Value: 692,539 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Wed to Darkness
Satin Hairbow
Albus Egg
Elegant Snowy Cravat
Egyptian Gold Armlet
Chalk Glamrock Sleeveless Top
Dashing Gentleman Gold And Black Cane
Mona the Platypus
Nartian Rock 3rd Gen.
Dark Halo
Tiny Pixie Wings
White Leather Belt
Those Black 90s Gloves
Charcoal Velcro Sandals
Studded Leather Collar
Elegant Snowy Leggings
Soldat Alpine Pants
Golden Sparkles
Gold Pocket Watch
Gold Bracelet
Enchanted Strings
Egyptian Gold Anklet (right)
Egyptian Gold Anklet (left)