Matthias. That was the name he had been given as a child. His brothers were all named names like Ezekiel, things like this. Biblical names. But Matthias was quite the opposite of Biblical. In fact, he despised religion. It seemed all too much like a cult to him, especially catholicism. All it was to him really was standing around in a church, chanting, repeating after a priest, and praising someone who might not even exist.
It was all a load og bullshit to him. That was one reason he had been forced out of his house at gunpoint as a teenager. His parents had tried to reason with him, change his ideas and thoughts, but Matthias would have nothing to do with their ridiculous notions. He had begun to expirement with Black Magic, reading up on the Occult. He loved the idea of spirits, and demons, and devils. By the age of seventeen, he could manage to levitate things with one spell, and explode them with another. His family hated him, hated him and his dark soul, dark actions.
He was currently in the town of Hazellia, it was a town of Mormons, the old fashioned ones. Very much a Cult to him, normal to everyone else. He wore his old, perfectly in shape top hat and the old time suit he had stolen afew years ago.He was now twenty one, and very much feared all around the land he roamed. He did have a home, yes, but never went back much. He felt lonely there, a peice of his humanity showing through the vooodoo and magic that had become Matthias. He had been called Devil, and was beleived to be Satan himself.
As he roamed through the Mormon town, people staring and grabbing children away, he frowned. He wished now he had people to talk to, but the solidarity of it all comforted him.
He was confused.
[[[PM me to reply, sorry it ain't too great, I wrote it last minute. Yaoi or non-Yaoi, it goes either way BE LITERATE.]]]