Leon had been sitting at the end of the boat dock for hours now, and still was. He had been thinking of the year he was fifteen, the year alot had happened in his life.
That fateful fifteenth year he had been orphaned, he had lost his eye, his home, and most of his money.
How had these event occured? His drunkard of a mother had fallen asleep with a freshly lit cigarette. Well, 'falling asleep' would be the wrong term. More like, passed out on the couch, her rum and gingerale spilled all over a pile of bills,check books, and a nice dark cherry wood table.
Leon was out at a friends house while his house burned to smoldering cinders, the pile of ashes that his parents were hardly distinguishable in the rubble. Leon didn't feel too sad about the whole thing. His parents had made it clear he was a mistake anyways, and hardly ever paid him any attention.
So, he took the rest of his familys savings, and the insurance money (little as it may be) and bought a two person cabin by a beautiful lake, boat dock and everything, minus the boat of course. He lived with no one, had a small job at the local town gym, and spent most of his time out on the boat dock. He loved the lake, and sighed softly as his icy blue eyes looked out on it, watching boats and jet ski's zip by in the water, the occasional fisherman catching one of the bottom feeding catfish that lurked in the bluegreen lakewater.
Leon touched his eye patch lightly, closing his only eye left, burying the painful memories of how he lost it farther into the depths of his troubled being, trying not to let them drift up and pierce his hardened soul. Those memories were ones he never wanted to remember again. As he laid back on the dock, letting his barefeet dip slightly into the lake, flashes of the horrible moments came back to him, he sighed as he drifted into sleep, deciding it was hopeless to repress them. Hell, he might as well embrace them. Maybe that'd finally give him a chance to open up, so he slipped into sleep, and dreamt of that god awful day his eye had been lost, absent mindedley hearing the jet ski's and the boats off in the distance, some coming awfully close.
[[Sorry, I didn't leave much for anyone to come in,and it's not very good, but be a boater, jet skier, fisherman/woman, park ranger, anything that'd be out in the woods. This can be yaoi too! I love yaoi, so I always make it available in my rp's! PM me! BE LITERATE please ^ ^ ]]