(For the previous artwork that I've posted, you can check out these two journal entries: Art and June 22nd.)
Yes, friends, it's time for more (who would've guessed it) more Joker drawings! Huzzah!! Click on each of the thumbnails below to get a larger version of each image-- all of them done with my usual collection of brush-tipped pens, fiber-tipped pens, gel pens, colored pencils, and so forth. With nothing sketched in beforehand with pencil. Enjoy! biggrin

6/28/08-- Yes, the reference image I used actually did look this shadowy and purple. It had been shrunk down, futzed with, and used as a banner in somebody's sig: Reference image. The real pic should actually look more like this (as if anyone cares, but whatever): Joker clapping.

7/5/08-- I dunno if it's obvious or not, but I started doing some different things color-wise with this drawing than I'd done up to this point: for one thing if you look you'll notice that there is no black. At all. Well, except for the inside of his mouth but that got covered over with my shiny purple gel pen of shiny purpleness so you can't really see it. (The colors should look more vivid but I digress. Stupid scanner.) I'd been reading up a bit about Impressionism, you see, and it got me thinking some about the use of color and so forth. And, well, here is the result, such as it is. It's one of my more favorite drawings so far, I must admit. 3nodding

7/11/08-- Notice the blues, greens, and purples in the shadows. Someone was still in pseudo-Impressionist mode.

Also from 7/11/08-- Meh, not too impressive in my opinion. But, whatever. I kinda his expression anyway.

7/22/08-- Drawn after I'd finally gotten to see "The Dark Knight." I happen to really like it, too. smile

7/29/08-- Done after my second viewing of "The Dark Knight." And again, I really like this one. I wonder if there's a pattern starting to emerge here...

8/7/08-- "Well, hello, beautiful." (Sorry, I just love that line. I have no idea why but it cracks me up now whenever I think of it.) So, not only do we get the Joker, but we have him menacing Rachel Dawes while we're at it. (And I shall resist breaking into another wrote from the movie at this point. Also, be warned that the Rachel Dawes link contains major spoilers.) This drawing was kinda tricky; I did a version the day before and hadn't really liked it, so I churned out a few drawings of the Joker by himself and some of Rachel by herself to figure things out. It was hard getting her to match him closely enough, and while I've done him a lot I hadn't done any of her at all. So yeah. I should probably post more reference images for this batch of drawings but it's late and I'm feeling too lazy right now to do it. Oh well.

8/12/08-- This is one of those pieces of mine that I'd started working on and didn't finish until a few days later. Which is unusual for me, because I tend to start and finish a drawing/painting/etc. all in one sitting. It's just sort of how I work. But, I'm blabbing too much. Not much to say really since it's all either super critical stuff ("Ack!! I messed up on that one spot! And there as well!! AHHHHHHHHH!" ) or me, well, blabbing. So we'll just move on.

8/12/08-- In a way (oh good heavens, she's rambling. Somebody stop her!!) this reminds me somewhat of the way I used to draw, back in the day, only I never drew anything this cool. I dunno if it's the pose or the way it's all slightly "fuzzy" looking or what. Maybe it's how I did his eyeball. Hmmm. confused

8/12/08-- Just another version of the drawing above. Personally I don't really care for it, but maybe that's just me.

8/13/08-- And lastly, some avi art that I submitted to a contest. (Which you can find here: New Avi Competition! $25 cashshop shopping spree for first!) The competition looks fierce and there promises to be some good entries from people. (Oh yeah.) This was kinda interesting to make since I hadn't done any anime/manga style stuff for a long time and a lot of my little "idiosyncrasies" (like how I fashioned the eyes, mouth, nose, and neck) remain pretty much unchanged, which surprised me. It'd be better if the scanner hadn't washed out the colors-- and the violin was better drawn, which is funny because I'm a violinist and should know what one looks like-- but whatever. At least the birds look cool.
Ugh. I'm done for now and need sleep. I may go back and edit this around a little later when I'm more awake. So good night, everybody, and stay awesome. Cheers! biggrin
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