Man, are there ever a lot of Joker cosplays in the arenas this week. O_o; In fact, and I'm amazed to find myself saying this-- er, typing this, but even I'm starting to get sick of seeing so many Jokers. Mainly because most of them are crap and don't even look nice or anything. I mean, at least I put some effort into my attempt and actually did research and so forth. Criminy. (Rolls eyes.) rolleyes
Anyhow, here's a link to some cool "Dark Knight"-related stuff: The Dark Knight Trailer & Video Clips on Yahoo! Summer Movie Guide. The last clip posted is a nifty interview with Heath Ledger about accepting the role of the Joker. Enjoy! biggrin
(Speaking of the Joker, I just couldn't resist the following... be warned that some of them are kinda big so it may take a little while for the page to fully load. sweatdrop )

You just wish you could look that cool in clown make-up. Heh heh. xd And I love how they gave him yellow teeth. Incidentally my favorite out of this batch of pictures (maybe even one of my all-time favorite images of him) is the third one down. I'm even tempted to use it as my new desktop background and displace the Van Gogh I have there right now. Which is saying something because under normal circumstances nothing could ever get me to do that to a Van Gogh. (He's probably my absolute favorite artist ever. Since I'm babbling here about favorites, lol. 3nodding )
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