And here's the write-up I did this time around:
My Avi as the Joker

(Note: I'm re-submitting the same entry I did two weeks ago, but with a few tweaks based on feedback.)
Ack! Horror of horrors!! It's the 5,000,000th Joker cosplay!! O_o
However, before all you downvoters vote me automatically at a 1 or 2 I would like to point out the following:
~In no way, shape, or form does this entry contain quotes/spoilers from "The Dark Knight," the way over-used phrase "Why so serious?", any slight whiff of "Wanna know how I got these scars?", random peals of laughter ("AHAHAHAHAHA!!!" wink , or nonsense about how you should go see the movie. (Even though you probably should.)
~This is NOT a tribute to Heath Ledger.
~I actually put some effort into this cosplay (checking reference images and finding items/hair/make-up/etc. that matched as closely as possible), so please keep that in mind.
~I don't really expect to win or do remotely well. This is just for fun.
Please vote fairly, even if your rating does end up being a 1 or 2. Cheers! biggrin
And my advertising banner of awesomeness (I was too lazy to do much except edit the old one slightly):

I think I might do a couple more cosplays during the coming weeks as well-- so keep your eyes peeled. Cheers! biggrin
EDIT: Wow. Someone (besides me, of course) did an awesome Joker that needs your vote A.S.A.P.: Nurse Joker. So go vote for this guy already!
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