Anyway, cheers! And on an incidental note my dad is a fan of Heath Ledger's Joker same as me. He even wants a Joker t-shirt of his own, which he might very well get if they don't sell out of them at the mall. Or I guess he could probably buy one online someplace. Who knows? 3nodding
EDIT: And now for the pictures I promised. And... here... we... go!!

T-shirt (tee-shirt? Whatever) of awesomeness. It took me forever to get a decent pic of this because I basically had to hold the shirt up in front of my face, click the mouse to activate my iMac's built-in camera, and hope for the best since I couldn't see the preview for the image at all with fabric in my way. He looks very spooky, doesn't he? wink

Front cover for calendar of doom. (The glare you see is from my computer monitor. And I hate how they reversed the image of the Joker at left-- it's so obviously reversed and couldn't they have easily have just used another image if they were all concerned about "compositional balance" or whatever? These snooty artist types, I tell ya. rolleyes )

Back of calendar of doom. Hee hee hee. xd

Our first glimpse inside the calendar of doom. "Well, hello, beautiful... You look nervous."

For reference purposes (and for fun) the traditional Chinese calendar I mentioned. The restaurant I got at this at is marvelous (yummy yum yum) and I elected to crop myself out of the image-- wouldn't want to attract any stalkers, now, would we? Plus it was a crummy picture of me anyway. xp

Close-up of traditional Chinese calendar. Don't those two kids look cute? Don't you just want to pinch their chubby little cheeks and take them home with you? I sure do.
Now, the two posters of posterness I got are still safely in their shrink wrap but this is basically how they each look:

And that's that for now. Amazing how I can just babble on like this about nothing, isn't it? Later, everybody! blaugh
Community Member
(Not that anyone really cares but I have nothing better to write about and I could use the extra gold from posting this comment. razz )