Dark Knight's Joker

(Bah, I don't even care if I win. Just vote me whatever you think I deserve, okay?)
So, it's the 8,599,999th Joker cosplay. That's going tell you that you worry too much. That you really ought to smile more. That stands no more chance of winning in these arenas than the Batman franchise has of dying out any time soon. So let's put a smile on that face, hm? biggrin
~~Yes, the hair is too long and “shouldn't really be green.” If you can find a better alternative, color-wise and so forth, show it to me please because I'm stumped.
~~I couldn't find a knife item that I liked or that wouldn't draw criticism. So you're stuck with a gun.
~~The card is there because I like it.
~~There are no purple/violet coats on Gaia right now that are of the proper style.
~~Can't afford a chain wallet, so yeah.
~~I realize that this cosplay is WAY overdone, but oh well.
So, that's that. Cheers! biggrin

(Reference image used. I really like it because it's one of the few "full body" images I've found of him that shows off the vest and shoes nicely and everything-- and that didn't even need to be resized. blaugh )
So, you'll probably notice that I made my entry male, just in case people were voting me down before for having a female Joker. And I gave him a gun AND a playing card. (You never know, they may very well swing things in my favor since they're less "tacky" than the kunai I was using as a knife.) I'm not doing too bad so far, although the start of last week was just awesome: I was averaging well above where I was with my first Joker attempt for about, oh, two or three days. Then all the "downvoters" had to crawl out of the woodwork and attack me. O_o;

And here's the spectacular banner for me cosplay. (Feel free to click on it if you so choose and give me your vote!) I made it by altering the following image I found:

So, I guess that's that. Cheers! biggrin
EDIT: (Comes back from voting in the arenas.) Okay. I think I am officially finished with the Avatar Arena once and for all. There are a total of 32 Joker cosplays this week (out of 4,800+ entries) and just about all of them are CRAP. So were the ones last week, and the week before that, and the week before that, and so on, and so forth. I honestly cannot believe that I came up with one of the best ones out there-- that just makes me want to cry.
I mean, is it really that hard to actually look at reference images? And experiment with tektek? And actually try to make your cosplay resemble the Joker? No wonder the downvoters are out in such force. O_o
Anyway, I was toying with the idea of maybe submitting of a cosplay of something else (I'm not going to say what, but I'll give you a hint: hint of hintiness) but I'm not so sure now. Sigh. neutral
Community Member
Edit: and the first thing I see in the arena is ally101183's Poison Ivy. smile