Granted, the Joker was awesome (YEAH!!!) so it wasn't like seeing it was a total waste. 3nodding

(I found this sweet gif on someone's profile and I think I might use it as my new signature when I get the chance-- assuming I don't need to get permission first. You never know about these sort of things. sweatdrop )
In other news I'm thinking of submitting my avatar to the arenas again as the Joker, only with a few tweaks based on the feedback I've been getting. The finished result will probably look like the image shown below at left (along with my current entry at right for comparison):

(Keeps staring at the Joker gif and has to slap self upside the head in order to break the trance she's falling into.) Er, em, anyway, cheers! I can't wait until "The Dark Knight" comes out on DVD. biggrin
EDIT: Actually, the more I think about it the more "The Dark Knight" is starting to grow on me. Maybe I just expected too much out of it. Who knows?