(Granted I won't see until sometime next week due to certain factors --like my job as a temporary employee for two weeks and the fact that I'm supposed to see it with someone if they ever get back to me-- but whatever.)
Second of all, I wish I had a Chain Wallet, sigh. It would make the "Jokerness" of my current avi complete. (If you don't understand why, see the image below.)

See that thing dangling off his right thigh? (His right, not your right.) That be a wallet chain, my friends, which is the one component I'm lacking. Besides a coat that's actually purple AND is remotely close to what Heath Ledger wears (wore) in the movie.
So ideally my avi should probably look something like this:

I know you can hardly make out the chain wallet but that's not the point. And since I'm doing image editing here, I might as well crop that hair down to a more "Jokerly" length...

...and re-color it a bit, too, while I'm at it. Doh dee doh dee doh...

Hmmm. Not bad for a whole ten minutes spent futzing around with the image in GIMP. Anyway I think my present "look" is probably about as close to the late Mr. Ledger's Joker as I can get right now... unless I can find a better hair style or something. Most of the short, wavy ones look kinda ugly, though, in my opinion and his hair is (was) really more of a darkish blond than green when you look at the stills/publicity photos of him and such.
Ah well. Not that it matters; in the grand scheme of things this all means very little. Cheers! biggrin
EDIT: Ack, I'd almost completely forgotten about this! My "Crying Statue" submission (go here for details) tied for "Best Story" category with Kiara_Adeen's awesome tale about a king and his garden of statues. Huzzah!! (If you want to read her story and look at her tekteks, check 'em out in her journal: im entering this in a contest! CRITIQUE/COMPLIMENT)