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Poetry And Lyrics Arena SpotLight
    • The dreams form then. by __ - 0Diclonius0 - __
    • This is one of my poetry entries in my journal. I can not take all the of the praise or down falls because this is based on the lyrics of a song. For this to be read for all its worse you must put your heart in it and be in the...
    • How Quaint... by FaithEmblem
    • This poem abstractly mentions lots of different things, from emotional to political issues. It can be interpreted in many different ways, as it's meant to be. This poem is an original concept, by me. Critiquing is very welc...
    • Just a Dream by SweetLittleDoll
    • These are song lyrics that I wrote a couple of months ago. It partly has to do with some events in history, and sortive has a post-apocalyptic setting. Please enjoy and comment.
    • Closing Time by Siolphlanda
    • I wrote this after my eighteenth birthday had come and gone. Hopefully you'll be able to find some meaning in it as well.
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