Poetry And Lyrics Arena SpotLight
- I Have Tried by Dextra JaVon
- There is only so much you can do to keep the person you love, so much you can do to fight. I did fight back... and I lost. ... I guess she was that much more than me... ...
- forever and always by iHeavyRain
- plz like it im a 15 year old in love :D
- be there for me by -Scream-Out-Aryana-
- i wrote it when me and my best friend were fighting
- Anyone by Limited Pleasure
- This is about my life. This is what happend. I am afraid that I am now stuck. No way out, no hope.
- a life unlived by xMsPanda
- <3
- Far. by The Prodigal Poet
- Ah, sweet emotional pain. It drives my soul to live. It fuels me to write. A perfect: deep: emotional example of why I continue to write.
- Little white lies by Full Metal Dari
- My poem for my ex. Or it was.
- poetry packet for school by mhino100
- This is some poems i had o write for english.
- Messy Room by young drizzie
- i like poets
- musically nervous by www_arelilovecom_www
- im about to sing my music for audditions but im really too nervous!!!XD
- coldness is lonley by xXxihartwafflzxXx
- just read
- Heart Broken </3 by Baby_girl_kami13
- I wrote this randomly so plz comment! I hope you enjoy>.<
- Tell me why again? by Vulpexia
- Heart break after heart break...why can't i ever learn?
- the beach by xox_alex_xox_08
- this poem s about the beach. i always found the beach the best to write.
- Two dead boys by Shawty-Miles
- Not my poem i first heard it from the movie "haunting in Connecticut" I do not own this Poem.
- Road to War by CeNedra_Elessedil
- I wrote this for my British Literature class in the style of Modern poetry. Some of the things that are seen in Modern style is multiple perspectives and references to memory. They are meant to be someone confusing. Stream of c...
- relief by Sensei_Of_Awesome
- Every one can be lonely, and every one has something or some one to give them there happy. This is my thought on the subject. Please comment i wrote this by my self and with no one help and i did NOT edit some one's work.
- Star Life by Royal Aimee
- This is a poem describing oneself. It tells how God and loved one's that have passed on watch over you, until you pass on and join them with God. Where as people say that heaven is located in the sky, is how the poem says you w...
- Oddity by Waving To The Blind
- I did this poem project for school and I decided I would just post them all on here and see if anyone liked them. =]