Poetry And Lyrics Arena SpotLight
- Think. by Zemyx Arthron
- This is what's as a Kaon. It is a question that is asked to inspire deep thought during meditation. I'm not sure if it's a poem form but it is beautiful anyway.
- Forbidden Love by angeldoll12
- a love poem
- my name by lovely_bite123
- hope you enjoyed it :D
- i'm looking for a friend by iKawaiiKyle
- :3nod: hope you like it, i was bored and wrote it during class while our teacher was lecturing us about..... i forget, iwasn't listing
- The old spring song by Xx__SillyBunny__Xx
- me and my grandmother made this song i hope you guys like it there is no chorus
- Rain Clouds by Daigetsu
- Its just a poem I wrote when I was going through a troubled period in my life. I hope you guys understand, feel and be touched my it as much as I am every time I look over it. I wouldn't mind growing and to have a few fans of m...
- Chaos Bringer by King of Trash
- I poem I wrote when I got tired of all the love poems I read on gaia... This is a poem about a man who watched his best freind become something horrible. The Chaos Bringer.
- The window by love the pixie
- did it in class
- Releasing emotions by Thisblondierules
- umm just thought up something, this is what it became. comment!
- Wonderland by Grell R Sutcliff
- This is the shorter of two poems I have. It is all about Wonderland and of the people there.
- Letting Go: by TheScribbler7
- Just an analogie I wrote on behalf of my former heartbroken state nothing seems to be troubling me right now but all goes good.
- We will always have the moon by AndKayleeWasLike
- I was in the mood to write. I already know that it wont be the best, so im not planing on getting amazing votes. So, tell me what i need to fix, allright? So then next time, I'll do better. (:
- Girls by JazzyMay82
- Girls is a poem that kinda rythms and it goes to all the girls...Please coment or Rate it thanks.
- One Phone Call by peacekitten65
- This is about an ex, Jon. He was horrible to me and we broke up over a year ago. But he still calls me @ 2 in the morning to ask if I "have time for an old friend," then dumps all his problems on me. Hope you enjoy.
- Love or Lie by coolmegmc
- A poem on the steps i felt during my break up in a 5 stave poem
- Voodoo Dance by Deadlylight6
- Tells of al the times ive been betrayed thru ten yrs of being alone. when something good happens, right at that moment, its then destroyed, like i was never to see or experience life as it should. An endless cycle....i have fri...
- Stagnant Breeze by Kigaru_ECP
- This poem is really depressing... it's about giving up on your dreams, whatever they may be. it's one of my first poems, so let me know what i need to work on