Poetry And Lyrics Arena SpotLight
- I dont Have a title so help me by Geli Monster
- This is a song that is not finished but thought I would submit as to what I have so far. Im currently still working on it. I wrote it this year after a LONG writers block
- Forest and Fire by TheSinOfWrath1313
- I never really figured out who I was writing about...Or rather I never got to know who she was.Sitting In Startbucks and being the loud mouth kid tends to get you looked at but with this one woman there was a different look to ...
- Should've Seen This by lonely93
- Had a weird dream and it gave inspiration to write this depressing poem. -_-
- Falling Apart by ICanHazPanda
- I last minute submitted this as one of my three poems in my schools poetry contest. I was unhappy with it, but it's all I had. I lost the contest, but the contest was for grades 9-12, and at the time I was in grade 9, so I gues...
- Lamb to a Slaughter. by ketzzy
- Brings her to his bed and says, "let's sit here." What happens afterwards will shock you dear.
- Talk about suffering by Blue_Innis
- Song made for music class. Suppose to be a folk song
- I Just Can't Stop by 13rala
- You may have seen this before, due to one of my old accounts. I am re-posting it. I made some small changes though.
- Sink by Mikalean DeWitt
- wrote in like two sec bored dot die
- Stand My Ground by Sinder3llaAireal
- I Wrote This About My Dad. Soo. I Hope You Like It.
- My Confession by Xlonely_tear_dropX
- Enjoy. Please rate and comment. (btw, this poem does not relate to my life whatsoever)
- Invisible to your eyes by Sunlite Orangegirl
- It was just something that I wrote in my history class.. hope you like it
- A Sign by Simple Imperfection
- Simple words that describe what I am feeling at this time.
- The Looking; My Believing by fakebootyhoe
- trying to understand life
- Without an Answer by Jakumaru
- After messing up my relation with the one I love most. I realized that I still never stopped loving her. I wanted to know, whether or not she still loved me or not. Turns out she moved on.