Poetry And Lyrics Arena SpotLight
- The Universe~ by Dezzy-Moe
- This is an Awe Poem, basically ('nuff said) about something that awes and inspires us. I wrote this piece for my 8th grade English class. Please rate and comment!
- Hidden Inside by microangel31
- You have to read it together, and the second column alone. Please do the following: -Comment (pref. w/ critiques) -See my other arena entries -Comment on those (pref. w/ critiques) -Go to my shop in the marketplace -Buy s...
- Alone by Imperfect_Elegance
- This is about every inch of pain I have been through all into one poem enjoy
- i love, by Ayame Nara
- describes the confusion of love.
- don't you love me?? by XxYourBittersweetMemoryxX
- to my parentzz...
- Heavan's Rollercoaster to Hell by DBchicka
- This is about I guy a really care for.
- put your records on by Mcsmarty24
- this song is by corrine bailey
- Like rain by emberstar1
- i wrote this so many years ago and just found my diary with tons of my old poems =)
- no name yet by la haine pacifique
- I wrote this when I was talking to this one guy I really really like....
- The Sound of the Rain by I-xS T A Rx-I
- I love the rain and darkness at night, but at times it seems to let me wonder of.
- The Golden Sunset by HottButler
- Something i wrote about chinese immagrints.
- Whys it so hard to understand? by Lanna-Bearz
- This poem is about the Holocaust. I am Jewish so I have heard so many stories. These people who suffered were good and didn't deserve to die. We must never forget what happened so history doesn't repeat itself.
- Take Me to the Sky by iVampNinja
- wrote on april 28, 2010. got the idea from watching tinker bell and the lost treasure. the grammar has not been fixed yet and the errors with the mistakes are still there.
- Hero by Shukakothegothicbutterfly
- My first poem/lyric thing! Haha I know it's not very good but I'd still love to hear comments telling me what you think of it. I guess it's about police taking over villages and dictating their lives leaving people miserable, ...
- It's time, time, again, again by Absurd the Understatement
- It's a poem. Go read it.
- 2012 by xXxAutumnxLeafxXx
- Some said it was a hoax, but was it really?
- Anger down the empty road by kanna27
- Love will never end no matter how mad you get at someone.
- I See Through Your Act by Niente Neiuun
- This one is about being flirted with, but the one flirting had no intention of actually dating me. Kind of explains it clearly in the poetry.