Poetry And Lyrics Arena SpotLight
- love is all around by Snake viper
- it just popped in my head when i got my greatest love soo plzz comment me about it!!!!! and thanks
- I stood before death unafraid by XxDarkxAuraxX
- another death poem
- Let Me Go by X_StJimmysXdearlybolved_X
- This is one of my realllly good EMO poems... hope you enjoy...^_^
- Through Their Eyes by Teenage Vampire Girl
- This is just something I felt like writing due to my problems in love :cute: I know it's a sad exscuse for a poem but please find the inner meaning. Comments are appriciated, Thank you!
- sugar by Roberto Snout
- pfft.. sugar? bad for you? naah!
- Many Nights by Always Your Music Love
- This is a poem that I wrote to describe the love that I still have for my ex-boyfriend that I dated for about one year and three months.
- Circus Freaks by cuete23
- somethin me and a friend wrote so i ant take all the credit
- Searching by William Saint Claire
- Poem i wrote....hope you enjoy This poem is Copyrighted!
- And Maybe They Call This Love by chaotic_leon
- It's A love song I wrote, I like it so tell me what you think
- Beware of Pirates by Sweet Antheia
- Opening my eyes, letting go, realizing I so deverve better
- Rain and thunder by Sinister Kitsune -X-
- Yeah one more random pice of work since I was asked to put up more
- Useless little brat by Katana Aku Amustika
- just a song...on how i feel.... i can only come up with dark and gloomy song cuz meh mom's always insulting me..... ANYWAYS ENJOY! and im not puttin mehself down lyrics just pop on meh head and NAW im not a weak person i just ...
- The Violets Are Blue by michicachan999
- My boyfriend wanted me to write something with certain sayings in them so this is what I came up with. Not too great but the best I could do at that moment.
- Rain Dance by Shimmering Corruption
- twas a dark and stormy night...nah, i just wrote this because i love the rain!
- not gonna cry by fabulouseme
- hi this is prety much a true song about how i feel sometimes.it could also be a poem.umm this is a sad song encouraging yourself to not burst out everytime and to be strong.it tells you to not cry but to tell yourself it's ok a...
- I hate when I miss you. by Grave Rot
- Super old poem.
- A tribute to my friend by Falcozappy
- A Boy, A Cat, A bond that lasted a lifetime
- Life, the world we all live in by Prophet Kross
- The things that go through my mind