Poetry And Lyrics Arena SpotLight
- Life by Tess_of_Fallen
- If I remember it correctly
- -- by Morghoulie
- Forever Tear Drop by Eladrienia25
- I wrote this about a guy i was in love with him. he was in love with my best friend who, at the time, didn't like him. this was my way of saying i was there for him anytime he needed me, on good times and bad.
- Soprano's bloody serenade by thulium von leade
- This is my original poem which is a slight murder mystery. There are 4 singers each who die or lose their minds in a twisted note. guess the killer before they can kill or torture the rest of the quartet. Its a story related po...
- this song is called chocolate by Dr Disband
- its chocolate
- Who'se to Blame? by PenguinColada
- This type of poem is called a Diamond Poem (for obvious reasons). It is a freeverse type of poem that is more visual than anything. Basacally, you add a word to each line until you have five and then take away a word for each l...
- The Signs are Just for Cars by HerMagic
- My Original song lyrics about seeing the right signs meaning different things in today's society. the stop sign doesn't have to be so literal, as it could mean that there is the right time for everything. I was inspired by th...
- Tell me why by The_Lions_Mane
- Just something I thought of.
- A metaphor by fiftyshadesoffag
- A poem I wrote while feeling inspired. (:
- I Am Not Sane by Azure Cinder
- I dunno... my first poem i guess.
- For All The Days I Live by she_has_thorns
- Written: April 5, 2014 Please feel free to leave a comment explaining your rating. :) I am always open to hearing how I can improve my writing.
- World Peace by anna ren
- A simple yet powerful piece about world peace.
- Lips by SabasaurusRex
- It's a poem about my last kiss aye whaddup
- Not Be Apart by V_Rose1996
- My boyfriend is also my best friend, so when he leaves, I feel all bummed out. Here is a poem I wrote to express how much I miss him when he is gone.
- Break Me/Angel Angel by Kurai the Echo
- Just a thing-a-ma-jig about heartbreak
- Dear John... by Aoi Aiki
- Just a little letter to all the 'special someones' out there.
- False Support, Inimical Truth by Avenger_Tony_Stark
- I wrote this after a debate in a class of mine. During said debate, my sexuality was used to put down my agreement and some of the responses I got shocked me a bit. This poem came out of my shock, disgust, and multiple other fe...