Poetry And Lyrics Arena SpotLight
- The Art Of Misery by IceCream Liar
- These are the lyrics to one of my songs. Unfinished; but we're interesting in my opinion, so decided to grab some constructive criticism from gaia. Yeah.
- Not Really Sorry by Failure and Disfunction
- To all the people who hate me becuase I'm not like EVERYONE else. To everyone who thinks that I shouldn't be a free, outgoing person who is not afraid to stand out.
- Dear Sparrow by AristaKitty
- another short peom of mine
- feelings of love by demongurl8822
- love
- For Me,That You Give by llXxSweet-Kanata_StarXxll
- I'm not good with my grammer but I try my best. So I must say thank you for the drama (mostly korean and taiwanese) that I've watch to write poem like these. If you want to be in the mood while reading this poem Please he...
- cracked by Temper-Mental247
- ummmmmmm i might add more on in the future
- Friends by Genkishi15
- a little English Sonnet again ^^ hope you guys like it as well x3
- Created in Vain. by irislovesmichaeljackson
- This is a poem I wrote about my newfound life in Gaia. My creator doesn't understand how hard it is for me here. She created me out of her own selfish desire to be somebody else and to escape her problems, but they just found h...
- Ode to Raindrops by Shnook2blazy
- This was included in my poetry collection for school so I wanted to post it^^ Although it isn't a rhyming poem..^_^'
- *Content* by CraziiCutie13
- A pome to help out ppl!
- Transcendence Through Tragedy by Wiliyami_S_Was
- This relates to mainly issues with trust.
- Broken by Soaring Butterfly
- I know some does not rhyme but I feel this way now
- I wish I could... by oXPurple KittenXo
- Dedicated to my fiance. I hope you like.
- My dear wife by alfabeta9333
- I wrote for my class, and my teacher call home, concerned for my well being lol. O.O i wrote in like 3 minutes