Poetry And Lyrics Arena SpotLight
- After the air raid by Unfavoured Guest
- A man contemplating the cruelty of warfare. Wasn't as smooth as I planned it, but things can't be perfect all the time.
- Snow White Dove by Raina Salvatore
- This is a little poem i did for TwinFools enjoy
- Fly Away To A Higher Plane by Bludcovrdrose
- The stuff that comes to your mind in the last moments before you fall asleep
- Properties of Time by senikmonk
- a short poem about my feelings of the 5th dimension we know as time.
- It doesn't matter by rana404
- a poem about not caring if someone doesn't love you, that you love them anyways.
- The boy wit his heart in a box by DICKGASM II
- Another of Lenore's stories....blah blah blah blah blah blah, Enjoy?....~
- the orchid by the highway by w0rm buffet
- can you here a ticking...?
- Ellette's Lament by EttieEnvyTM
- Just A Poem I Wrote A While Back About A Character I Had In My Head. (:
- Love's Jacket by Cosplayer220
- Just a poem I pulled out of my hat...my non-existant hat O.o
- Reanimation (Revised) by Metaphoric Rain
- This is my poem, Reanimation after I felt like adding more lyrics to it.
- What It Takes by Metaphoric Rain
- In case you didn't figure it out, this poem is about the tragedy in Haiti. I hope you are all doing your part in helping them, whether you are sending money or supplies or simply including them in your prayers. The world is t...
- to find myself by jesswishingstar123
- this one is the inner feelings i feel about how lost i am about myself. lately, i just dont feel the same as i used to.
- You..... by Diinoraptor
- Just a little a poem I made up.......No real main ideas as to why I made it....Got bored I suppose
- DREAM by reapers angel16
- i dream, you dream, everyone dose...i have nightmares you do to...you dont want mine to come true....