Poetry And Lyrics Arena SpotLight
- </3Storm<3 by Zellek-Flint
- Yes a love poem by me (: its my favorite of the ones ive written, i love comments
- Night Time Pray by Rose Thorn 666
- Not good at these things... Just read and give me your option...
- War by Cutesy Coco
- My poem that I wrote to put in everyone's perspective how terrible war can be and how much it affects our daily lives. Enjoy!^.^
- Why I Took Too Long by Mr Supreme
- Sitting In My Room , Trying To Figure What To Say To You . I Spilled Out My Heart , What Are You Going to Do?
- Dandelion by GalaxieStorm
- Poem I wrote in grade 4 :) Hope you like it
- Easy to feel alone. by Too busy Sinning
- My very good friend's mom just died from canser today, after years of fighting it. I only hope that she finds forever happiness.
- Promised Land by in a pinto forever
- Enjoy.
- Mirror, mirror by Lady Maryam
- You can try too fix everything about yourself, but in the end nothing will define you
- My Teddy Bear by HawkEye4736
- Something I wrote, please comment!
- on fire by TheEndWasTooSoon
- a song about a girl who is in love and she doesnt want to be but the guy she loves keeps making her feel stuff
- CookieMonster Blues by Skeetergirl92
- An emotional piece written by myself about my boyfriend and I.
- Chaos and Order by Masaru Takayama
- Chaos is chaos, order is order, but both are nothing...
- Magic~Poem by Requested Normality
- The magic of childhood, and how that magic is lost over time.
- The Kite by Guardian of Agape
- All of my work is in my journal if u are interested. hope you like it :)