Unfortunately I've been worrying lately about offending people when it comes to my mere opinions. Some may seem harsh but so? It's just my opinion. I don't have to like everything that everyone else does. That's redundant and I really wish people wouldn't take my thoughts and opinions so seriously. I don't care what others do, believe, or like so long as they aren't hurting anyone and I'd like to get that same curtsy.
I don't want to feel like I have to walk on eggshells around anyone but I unfortunately do. I'm afraid of anyone flipping the ******** out on me for nearly any reason. I can't stand confrontation and I have terrible anxiety issues. I never mean to be offensive or even mean. I am just a blunt individual that fancies speaking my mind like most anyone else would. There is A LOT that I do not and know not to say to people and even that stuff isn't really bad either.
I also know a lot of sensitive people that I am sometimes afraid of unintentionally hurting as well. It breaks my heart and ******** with me if that ever happens but I don't think I should let that deter me from speaking my mind either. All of my friends and family already know I'm a decent person with good intentions and I never mean to upset anyone. If that's the case why do I still fear these things and feel the need to walk on eggshells? I don't like this but perhaps it has something to do with the fear of losing more people? I don't really know. Perhaps this is something else I need to discuss in therapy.
Everyone just know that I value you all especially my friends, family, acquaintances and followers but I also value myself, how I feel, what I believe, and my own opinions. I fancy expressing myself and I will continue to do so as I feel I am allowed to at the time being.