Okay so today's been a lot and I will try to keep this brief. Opps nvm it's a novel lol. So as most of you know there's been a ton of drama surrounding another user and I and false accusations were made towards me. That user and I started talking today and we've been working things out. It turns out there was a misunderstanding between the two of us and we are now on friendly terms.
They did however make a thread at one point painting me as something terrible which I am not and they are now owning up to what they did which I respect because it takes a lot to own up when one ******** up. I too wasn't perfect either though as I insulted them which was uncalled for.
That being said I don't condone anything this user has said or done in the past in regard to trolling but at the end of the day, it's not that deep and none of it matters when it's not effecting us in our day to day. People can do what they do and believe what they want so long as they're not harassing anyone. There will be no further harassment from either of us towards one another though I don't feel I did much of that myself but I digress. I know I wasn't without my faults in all this either and I do what I feel is right most of the time.
Lastly I want to say that I am happy we came to an agreement and could move past this as it caused me an immense amount of stress, mainly the terrible false allegations that were made towards myself. I'd like to honestly be able to see the good in most everyone and I'd like to get along with as many people as possible. I do block a lot sure but in most cases, it shouldn't be taken personally as it's simply due to very basic things, ie a clash in beliefs and politics. I also can't stand trolling, harassment and anything else toxic.
I do believe though that most people can better themselves so long as they're not already too far gone ie endlessly harassing and being abusive. If you have some sort of toxic beliefs and or mindsets but want to better yourself, I'd be willing to accept you and I'd respect you in wanting to change. Thing is though if one keeps making the same mistakes, well it's going to get harder and harder to come back from that.
Anyways, times we're in now are extremely tough and it's pretty easy to just cut out those who are being toxic as we shouldn't have to deal with it, but if they're willing to give that up, I'd say they're worth giving a chance when they're being legit. I am not just some uncaring, spiteful monster, I'm quite the opposite and I wish the best for everyone but can only work with those who are willing to work with themselves first.