These are just my personal thoughts and opinions.
This is not meant to attack or offend anyone.
We are all entitled to our own opinions.
- When a user doesn't have a profile pic.
- When users constantly post gif reactions.
- Excessive tagging @everyone.
- Discord having annoying features automatically enabled such as, stickers suggestions, threads, and regular users being able to tag @everyone.
- Light mode.
- When servers are not properly moderated.
- NSFW channels.
- Servers that allow NSFW.
- When ppl say Discord is "too complicated" for them to get into.
(I understand that the use of bots and running servers can be but using Discord in general really isn't.)
- TTS (Text to Speech.)
- Overly complex bots.
- Servers with a stupid amount of channels/categories.
- Threads.
(A terrible, spammy and useless idea.)
- All the "Free Nitro" and other such scams.
- Ppl being irresponsible and falling for the scams claiming they didn't click anything wrong.
(No, the only way you get hacked is by clicking on scam links. It's not hard to avoid and everyone should know better by now.)
- Copypasta such as false warnings of fake hackers or fake scams.
- Stupid server rules such as 'you can't post art unless you compliment the last piece posted first.'
- Servers that don't have rules that ban religion, politics, and controversial topics.
- Being brought into a group chat without having been asked first.
- Random calls.
- Ppl hanging out in VCs waiting for random ppl to join.
(It's weird and manipulative.)
- The weird s**t the Discord Admins say such as the whole "magical elf" s**t.
(It's cringe and is uncalled for. Act like an adult, this isn't an app for children.)
- Ppl going off topic in topic specific channels.
- Gross emojis.
- Forcibly changing a users nickname.
- When rules list things like no hate, no sexism, etc when instead they can sum it up to 'use common sense and have common decency.'
(It's annoying to see that again and again when every decent person already knows not to be a s**t and isn't. Just do not allow in individuals that do not adhere to common sense and decency. Somethings can seriously go without having to state the obvious.)
- When users do light RP in any non-RP chats.
(it's cringe, pls stop.)
- When users post NSFW outside of their designated channels.
(That's srsly ******** up because some ppl don't want to see that s**t due to trauma reasons. If you post that outside of its channel you are forcing it on those that don't want it.)
- When a user doesn't read the rules of a server and carelessly breaks them.
- Servers that allow both minors and NSFW.
(Imo it doesn't matter if those are role specific channels. It's still weird. Just have one or the other, 18+ only or 14+ with no NSFW allowed.)
- Servers that do not get rid of annoying features such as leveling up.
- Spam channels.
(It's pointless and messy. ******** stop.)
- When servers all have the same themed emotes.
- Pokecord.
- Unorganized servers that are messy and allow bot spam anywhere.
- Big servers that try to cater to everyone.
- When big servers keep adding more and more obnoxious crap.
- Dead servers.
- Being randomly invited to a server.
- When ppl complain about creepy or spammy DMs when they can easily avoid that.
(It's on you if you don't take basic and obvious precautions.)
- Mods or Admins not doing their job.
- Servers that interrogate you for petty reasons before they allow you in.
- Servers that have no verification process.
(It's safer when they do so shady users and scam bots can't get in.)
- Servers with Movie Night.
(Nothing wrong with it, it's just not my jam.)
- Scammer bot accounts.
(A common one is where they make up a bs "graphic designer" profile.)
- When servers don't have a join/leave channel.
- When ppl are able to and post in join/leave channels.
- Introduction channels.
- Users that join a server and never post.
- When a server or group has no name or icon.
- Promo channels that just anyone can post in.
(Promoting should only be for trusted members.)
- When servers have an excessive amount of pointless roles.
- Servers that have extra unnecessary channels like pyp and pets when those can just go in the main chat.
- Meme channels.
- Feeling obligated to stay in any server.
- When food/cooking channels are named 'food porn.'
(It just sounds gross imo.)
- Servers having heavy venting channels.
(It's just too much for most ppl and most ppl aren't going to know what to do with certain complex situations. That's what therapy is for. Imo channels like that are just asking for drama and no one needs anymore of that.)
- When servers do not disable regular users from being able to post in the Admin only channels such as server announcements.