These are just my personal thoughts and opinions.
This is not meant to attack or offend anyone.
We are all entitled to our own opinions.
- Auto generated text and memes.
- Facebook avatars.
- Facebook memes.
- Groups that spread misinfo.
- Having to use a 'legit' name.
- Random friend requests.
- Creepy ppl you don't know trying to talk to you.
- When ppl b***h about being messed with when they don't simply set all their s**t to private or friends only.
- Minions.
- Light mode.
- Any form of Copypasta.
(You're not deep by posting the same s**t a billion other ppl have.)
- Copypasta written to make others feel obligated to share it other wise they supposedly don't care.
(Stop it with that, it's tooly and manipulative.)
- When ppl are fake on FB rather than just being honest.
- Getting constant notifications for 'likes' and other such things that aren't really relevant like a comment.
- Videos auto playing.
- Events.
- When ppl post way too much personal info and complain about being stalked.
- The fact that FB even asks for such personal info like locations and phone numbers.
- The fact that you STILL can't make custom profiles with music and such like Myspace once did.
When ppl b***h about ppl who don't have a real picture.
- Random calls.
- When ppl prefer FB over Discord.
- Those damn dog and other such filters.
(It's stupid, ugly and was never cute. Pls let it die.)
- Facebook gifs.
- Facebook emojis.
- Facebook stickers.
- Facebook reactions.
(Say something rather than just mindlessly "liking" and using automated responses.)
What I actually like with Facebook is seeing real posts, family pictures, stories, and the love and support given even if it's just in a small way. I never like anything fake. I like genuine connection and not automated posting and responses.