These are just my personal thoughts and opinions.
This is not meant to attack or offend anyone.
We are all entitled to our own opinions.
- When ppl use crosses as a goth aesthetic.
(It's not goth, it's religious. The two are separate things.)
- When ppl think being religious of any sort is a part of being goth.
- The whole 'being goth vs being "darkly inclined"' debacle.
- "Elitists."
(Those that act over controlling, selfish and are just flat out assholes about the subculture. It gives a bad look to the subculture as a whole and pushes away new ppl. There is a difference between correcting someone on something and making someone question their entire lifestyle.)
- The cringy "big tiddy goth gf" meme.
(That also ties into those thinking goth is only for kinky s**t.)
- The "goth gf" or "goth for a day" charade.
(Those wearing all black or dark makeup for a day and claiming they are goth when they know nothing about the subculture.)
- Ppl thinking all goths are cynical or "edgy."
- The very old saying 'you're not goth if you didn't sack Rome.'
(We've all heard it a billion times and it's always dumb and annoying.)
- Ppl taking every little small thing a goth likes and making it into something srsly creepy and ******** up.
- Ppl saying goths have "daddy issues."
(Those with that kind of mentality are usually creepy a**, ill informed individuals.)
- Ppl thinking goth is a cry for help or is attention seeking.
- Off black.
(Imo there is no "off black." Something is either black or it's not. There is no "blue black" or "brown black" etc. Also when ppl replace black with dark blue or purple. Just why?? Tf's wrong with using just black. Don't say something is black when it's not.)