╠ Basic Information ╣
Full Name:
Ekho Valgallan
Pechalʹnyĭ Ekho (By her family), Echo (By everyone else)
July 27th
5' 5"
Flame Type:
Dying Will Pool:
╠ Mafia Information ╣
Guglielmo Famiglia
Infinito Deserto
Number of Fights:
Number of Wins:
Number of Losses:
• All Ranges
• Specialty in Manipluation
• Strength (Weak body)
• Speed
Box Weapons:
• N/A
• The Legendary Clarinet Shavvan: It sounds quite far-fetched, but it won't seem so once you experience it's power. Over many years, it has sat in a catacombs of the Temple of Bulgaria, and hold the power of deceiving and Manipulating.
╠ Weapon Information ╣
Weapon Type:
Shavvan: A Legendary Clarinet
Weapon Length:
The size of a bass Clarinet, so about three feet
Weapon Weight:
Five lbs
Flame Compatible?
╠ Other Inventory ╣
• Case for Clarinet
• Messenger bag
• Dictionary of English words
• Make-up bag
• Locket of her family and her Brother
•Lotion (Vanilla scented)
╠ Abilities ╣
Ability Name:
Mind Grasp
Ability Type:
Dying Will Flame
Ability Description:
This attack is very strong and it pricey when it comes to her body, but as she grows in power, this attack gets strong. This attack is used when the user plays on the Clarinet, wrapping the mind in a trace and using them to her advantage, but she can only use it for so long on so many people. At the moment, she can only use it on (3) people for (2) posts.
Ability Cost:
This ability can cost up to (10-30) points
Ability Name:
Giro Scope
Ability Type:
Non Dying Will Flame
Ability Description:
This attack is medium in power, but it is very useful when coming to "delete" a person's memories when needed. She builds up speed by running as fast as she can, then she jumps high into the air, spinning in the air in all different direction, and as fall to the ground, she builds up momentum and speed, and when she is on her opponent, she delivers a powerful kick to their heads, sinking them into the ground for how powerful it is.
╠ Personal Information ╣
Marital Status:
Valerie Valgallan -- Mother
Crono Valgallan -- Father
Dmitriĭ Valgallan -- Twin Brother
Strange, you would think this young girl is shy when you first glanced at her glaring natural face and her closed off appearance, but take a better look. Her eyes fully open, a calm tone set to her face, and bright, loose clothing pieces set all around her body set it off something totally different and new. She is one of the most outgoing people you are going to meet in your life. When you first approach this young girl, she surprises you with her favorite prank, the exploding peanuts in the can. You are startled or not surprised at all, while she laughs her butt off on the ground. She loves pulling pranks, having a mischievous grin on her face, laughing and making smiles, or running away for making someone angry. Echo was the most lively person you could meet. She like doing crazy stunts too, but this person only came out when you took her glasses off. She usually wears them, but when her glasses are off, she is instantly serious, and her demeanor changes completely. It is almost shocking how scary she can be when she is in battle. This is the key to her switch. But when her glasses are on, she is back to her normal, so everyone tries to avoid her taking off her glasses, because sometimes she becomes this aggressive, mean person that insults and hurts people in very strong and strange ways. So watch out when she sneezes!!
Greatest Fear:
• Losing the people she loves
Soft Spot:
•Her older brother, People's safety
╠ History ╣
She was bone on a sunny summer day in July. A day she may as well remember as a faithful day that she was split away from her brother. The day he lost half of his original power. She felt herself as a nuisance to the world. She was just a part of her brother that he had lost and needed. She knew that from birth. She knew a lot of things from birth. She was born from two beautiful parents who cared about these to deeply, but she knew that she was the weaker one when the doctors started seeing problems in her immune system. She never told her brother anything about when she had to go to the Hospital. She didn't have to. He would know, worry, and when he came back from school to see his little sister gone, he would dash out and go to the hospital, finding her there, in her regular beg, staring out the same window with the same flowers given to her by her bed side. For the longest, she told her brother she wanted to die, to kill herself so he would be able to gain the full power he needed in order to become fully human. As far as these two were concerned, they were only half human. Half nothing. His name was Dmitriĭ, and she Ekho, or Echo Americans would call her. It was after a Greek Mythological story about a warrior and a forest faery where the faery fell in love with the warrior, but the warrior didn't acknowledge her and she would try her best, but the Goddess of Love was angered by this and cursed her to have no voice, so she was only able to weep, and the mountains would weep her feelings back to her, creating the echo. Creating her. A weeping tear. Her parents would call her Pechalʹnyĭ Ekho, meaning "Sad Echo" since she was always mopping around, and her family would try to cheer her up, but she wouldn't bide into it. It was her brother that made her happy. Only her brother.
Every got much worse when the twins were told that Dmitriĭ would be leave to go train at a camp of different martial arts all over the world. This left Echo at a lost... in the world. Echo begged and begged, on her knees to her parents how much this idea would tear them apart, but they didn't listen to her, and everything went by her in a blur. She said goodbye to her brother for a long five minutes, and when they separated, something inside her body snapped, and when her brother left in a car that took him away, and he was out of sight, she fell instantly ill. For two weeks she was in bed, recovering from a deep shock of being torn apart from her twin. Her parents worried about her, and knew she wouldn't become anything what they expected out of her, and one night, when she was well enough to get out of bed, she over heard everything. They were in the mafia, they had a record of people they have had to kill, with their finger prints dipped in their blood, and they were making her brother go to this camp to make him into a mafia member just like them. Echo couldn't stand on her own. She supported herself from the wall, but instantly thought of her home, tainted in that blood of the innocent lives that those people... that couple that stood in the study she now say as a blood bath of people, wasn't her home anymore. It only took a few minutes. She packed a bag together, wore her warmest clothes, and into the dark night, at the fateful age of 10, left her home. No note was left.
She had heard a scream from her room when she wasn't their, but she was far down the street when she heard it, running as if her life depended on it. In her bad health, she ran. She saw flashlights glowing behind her, but they were distant, and a voice called out her name, the voice filled with panic. But Echo ignored that voice because she knew it was fake, and that voice didn't love her. It yelled out "Pechalʹnyĭ Ekho!!" And all that was given to back to them was their echo.
She had traveled for days, relying on the water and food in the area, growing more ill with each day, and soon she did fall ill to another evil sickness that cursed her body, and she was stuck lying under the snow for warmth. On a fated night, a glow in the distant came closer to the pile of snow that had only one way to tell that there was a person in the snow, and that was a small stick on top of the pile. The traveler dug Echo out, and found her slowly freezing sick body, picked up her small body up, and wrapped her close to his body, and carried her somewhere. It didn't feel long, and most of the travel she was dreaming of a hazy storm with blanketing snow clouding the air, and a lantern. She awoke in a small bed in a room make of wood and filled with warmth, with two men sitting by her. One was a elder looking man, and another was a young man that looked in his twenties, who's head was shaved off. She guessed at first she was in a temple of monks, but the elder man explained that this temple was for the wandering spirits to be trained into warriors. It was a strange concept to her at first, but the man told her that he advised her to stay with him, for he sensed great ability in her. This ability made Echo want to laugh, for she knew she would never be as great as her brother, and she tried to tell this old man her story, but he refused to listen, told her to rest for the rest of the night and sleep, for in the morning he would start their training. Refusing to argue any longer, she did fall back asleep quickly, and that morning came too quickly.
She was awaken at dawn, the earliest dawn you could come to. She was brought out of bed by the young monk looking man, and he lead her to the temple courtyard, and what she found their was a whole area covered with training devices, but only a few people lived at the temple, and these people looked like that they have been working at this for their entire lives. But a voice behind her told her "Would you believe me that these people have only been working at this for three years." The young little girl that she was was surprised at this concept of these older people only training for three years to evolve this amount of skill, and the voice was the elder man. He took Echo by the hand, taking her to the courtyard, and first thing he did was ripped off her clothes. She first was shocked from what he had done, then the cold came onto her, and then she tried to cover herself, afraid that the men would be looking at her body, but she was smacked with a whip that came out of no where. She screamed from the pain and straightened up, and the elder began to explain. "For you to be able to reach true peace and be able to focus all of that store power, you must expose your body to every single aspect in nature, release all of that conscious block that separates you from true peace." The girl hadn't know anything of what this meant, but the training had begun for her, this sudden training of her soul and body.
Under intense pressures, no rest for her body. Only certain days would she be given peace, but even then she would have to find that inner peace. Her body had gone through broken bones and many injuries, but not once did she become sick. She spent all of her time outside, and first year she was stripped naked, but as the years went on, clothes felt like a nuisance when she was battling other members that have been their longer, so she decided to wear loose kinds of clothing to keep her body from becoming stiff. She body had been able to amazing things, and her body was adapting to intense pressure and moves she thought she would never be able to achieve, flipping through the air, her body moving in ways unimaginable to her. And just when she thought it couldn't get any better than that, her master, the elder man, showed her this strange ability you can use with the "inner peace" that you find. This inner peace that he had once showed her before was a light that came from her hands, a very strange brown and golden glow that reminded her of a vast desert, and that was what her master called the Inner peace of Ra, or a Desert spirit lived inside of her. She thought it was just a very cool trick, but he then showed her a room one day, that held a very special instrument to the temple, a Clarinet... a Bass Clarinet. This Clarinet was told to hold amazing power with it's owner, and the elder gave the instrument to her, and the weapon instantly doused her with unimaginable power, shadows sprouting from every which direction, filling her dreams with evil thoughts, and this is when the beginning of her manipulation powers came into play.
She never returned home, her connection with her twin was lost years ago, and she tries every day, any time of peace she gets, she tries to locate her brother, connect with him somehow...someway. But one her last day at the temple, she thought she felt a spark of familiar presence...but it disappeared as fast as it came. I will not describe the horrors that had occured in that temple once she received the power to control the shadows that lurked in the sand, but one thing is for certain, she was played. The temple had ties with the mafia, and on her last day, she was ready to leave, but was suddenly captured, gassed, and abducted and shipped to the America's. Russian was all she knew. She spoke heavy Russian, and communicating with anyone when she was dropped off in an American house with this strange language freaked her out beyond belief. her powers leaked everywhere and she was going to start hurting a lot of people, but the first thing she was given was a pair of glasses and a dictionary for the English language. A man who had transported her spoke Russian, and had told her she would be part of the mafia family now, and she was told to search for the family that she would belong in the most. That, was the hardest thing to do. So, being stranded in Chicago, not able to read English and only able to speak Russian, Italian, and Latin, she was at a lose.
One boy, however, found her trying to speak to a man for directions in the worst English the stranger had ever heard and he left her, which caused the young 18 year old to sigh and look around even more. But this boy had gather her up as quickly as possibly, speaking fluent Italian with her, and it was a washing relief that she was able to find a person around her that spoke a language she knew. She followed him, and without knowing him in the mafia ties, agreed to be a "roommate" of his. She later found out he was in the mafia, and she had been perfect to be the guardian, and that was where her Training in the English language began for a whole year.