RP Name:
Devil's Lick
She was so young. She was just a child, why did she have to be the one to be sucked up in such a dark world. How did she turn into a killer, how did she become a victims last memory, the one that would determine whether you lived or not based on instructions carefully memorized and followed. Your death being determined by a sheet of paper, a voice command, a dogs order. Being the dog of men, every man that paid her, that gave her food, gave her home for a short period of time, the one to do the dirty work. How did this turn out to be a women with a hidden past, and killer hands and eyes. It started, when the killer hadn't even been a thought in the lives of the parents that gave birth to her. Child baring hadn't even been a fathomable thought to the two parents. But it was a plan with a deathly consequence,
The mother was a captain of a vicious Pirate crew with a group of the strongest 230 men and women around the world. All were loyal to the grave, all loved their Captain. Another was a captain of a vicious Marine squad with a group of the strongest 168 men around the world. The two found fate to be in their destiny, for these two were pitted against one another, baring a sword that has been titled the "Devil's Heart" for it's users immense power in using this sword in the Pirate hand, and twin golden crested pistols that had the name the "Devil's Exterminator" for the power the user held within his skillful hands on the Marine side. In a mine shaft somewhere on an island in the West Blue, a war storming above ground with the bloods of Pirate and Marine mixing with each other in deep rooted battle long awaited. The Captains, couldn't look away from their deathly locked gazes. Both knew that if the two fought one another, both would end up dying, killing the other in the most brutal of ways. For minutes they stood with their gaze locked in one another's. The two, were falling madly in love with each other. The Pirate Captain was the first to put her sword away, and then followed by the Captain of the Marine to slide his pistols back in their holsters. They knew that their only escape was to run away from everything, right then, right there. To abandon their crew, and to start a new life. The man and women of deep rooted pasts ran off into the night, hand in hand, unable to look back at what they had done. They changed their looks, and eloped.
But after years of refusing to have a child with the ex-Marine for the fear that the child will grow up to be hunted down just like they have been for many years, the Marine finally cracked under all of the pressure of his built up love and angry for her thinking. The women was taken forcefully advantage of by the man, and raped brutally. She was left with bruises and scars that would never be able to be heal. The man was much more cruel, and ugly after that, and the women refused to lay a hand on the man she loved, but that thought was slowly fading away. She became weak from the baby, and when he started to beat her, she could do nothing but protect her baby. The man made sure not to touch the belly, for he knew what he would do with the baby.
When the man went off to work, the women would weakly write letters to the only person she knew she could trust, and knew that was still loyal to her fading power. Her first mate, the only women that she could have loved more than the man she had fallen in love with. She sent them out every day, hoping that the first mate was where she thought she was. She sent a letter to each part of the world where her family was located, for a hopefully chance to reach her, to get her help...to see her. After a month of waiting,unusually cruel punishment and, for the baby, growing, a miracle happened. When the women was sitting outside, taking in the fresh air of the island winds, slowly rubbing her belly, a voice broke the air. The women turned with teary eyes, to see the first mate with her crisp eyes, strong back and usual clean clothes. But the first mate was horrified at what she saw. Bruises, scars that were never there, and the child. The letter hadn't been lying to her. the two embrace each other for a long and solid moment in time. The first mate asked thousands of questions, but the women told her what the first mate needed to do. Before the first mate had to leave again from her dearly captain, she requested to sing a song to the baby. The first memory the child would conceive in her small brain.
When the child was born, the man revealed his plan to his "most beloved" wife. He had yelled to the heavens that gender didn't matter, it only mattered that he would make her into the strongest Marine the world has ever since. That day was the first time the mother cried in front of her husband.
The child was abused, raped, beat, and trained in the ways of a killer. Her screams made the mother wrench in fear and agony. She wrote letters for her First mate to hurry with the duty she had sent her on, even if she couldn't find all of what she was seeking for. When the father went off to work, the child would huddle with her mother, and bond like no mother or daughter has ever done before. They would touch each other's hands, or she would drink her mother's milk at the time when she was much smaller. They knew when the father got home, he would take the girl away from the mother again, and the pain and anguish would begin all over again. By the time she was five, she knew how to hold a gun and shoot it properly before she could even read. She was forced to kill small animals, and learn combative moves with her father. But at the end of the day, for his own sexual desire, he would take her and use her till he felt satisfied. On a night very much like that, the girl transformed inside herself. A voice appeared in her head, and a person that looked exactly like her in the mirror. The girl would stare into this mirror, watching the person as it formed and spoke to her in a dark, hushed tone, chatting softly to her. "Kill...hate...rip...shred...die...DIE!" And each time it chanted this, the voice would become more clear, each day becoming like syrup inside her head, sticking to her mind, transforming itself into a lock, and then a part of her brain...then a half. By the time the person had become half of her own self, the voice spoke as her right and wrong, her embodiment of usual self. It told her what she should do, and she listened. She was only eight, and she knew how to kill people. her mother wasn't frail anymore, she was training when her husband was out, getting ready for something grand, and she had not lost any of her touch over the years. At day, the girl learned self defense with her mother, at night she learned how to kill and murder and die inside from her father. The girl couldn't take it anymore.
One day, on the day that would mean the end of all of their suffering, the father had a day off, which meant he could focus on his daughter all day, and as the voice chanted inside her head over and over again. "NOW'S YOUR CHANCE! KILL HIM! KILL HIM, KILLHIMKILLHIM! Don't make your mother suffer anymore" her heart decided already. With one of her father's pistols in her hand, the girl slowly came out from the house, but her body froze. The first mate pulled the trigger rapidly and shot the man as he tried to charge at his wife who had started to draw out her old friend and partner the Devil's Heart. The man fell, and the two women embrace, but the girl stood frozen in time. She looked upon the dead man, her father, going back to the days where she would cut her arm to see the blood spill from the bruises, and the voice inside her would sooth her, "Don't worry, blood is like the soul's release from all the tension in it's body. If you release enough of the soul, then it escapes and the person is left as a hollow shell, but the soul is fine. So when you kill people, it's a really good thing, but for you, you don't want to release your soul. If you do, then you can't kill your father. Make sure you keep your soul." The voice was deathly quiet now. Their eyes stared down at the body, and glanced up at the two women hugging, crying into each other's shirts as some other men came to the house. The girl broke the crying by letting out a blood curdling scream. The mother turned in a panic, but saw the girl with horror, she was struggling to put the gun up to her head. The voice was screaming at her "KILLYOURSELF YOU DISGRACEFUL b*****d! YOU DIDN'T KILL HI!M!!!!!!!! YOU DIDN'T KILL HIM!!! NONONONONONONONONONO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" In response the girl screamed and screamed, her eyes turning slowly black as if she was fighting off an inner demon taking over her body. A gun shot echoed in the night.
The girl was saved by a soothing voice and a strong hand that made the girl miss the shot to her head. A song, that she remembered so clearly and so crisply. The First mate petted her hair down, singing softly to the girl's tears, the mother crying softly as the moon began to rise from the end of the planet.
"Hush little child don't be scared,
You are love by a mother who cares,
she is beautiful like the moon
and beautiful you are too."
The old pirate crew had gathered once again, some unable to come back due to age, and some never forgetting their loyalty to their old Captain. In charge once again, The two new mothers, the First mate exclaiming her love to the mother when they first board the ship, would now be a hope for the young girl to be raised on and live most of her days, until her conscious decided a new fate was to be given to her. She told her mother, at the age of 16 that she would leave to learn about the world, and become an Assassin to find her own crew that she could join, and grow with them as she has done with her crew. Her mother gave her something she never thought she would give to her. Her father's golden crested pistols. and her mother's antique devil knife wrapped in string to make a necklace. "You now have the power to kill the Devil, and make the Devil. your old name does not exist anymore, for your father was crazy for choosing that name. From now on. you are..."
The story of girl, who was dropped off at an island somewhere in the world, pocketed two pistols and a dagger on her, and would call herself from the moment she stepped of the ship to her first mission; the Devil's Lick.
A stone heart, a glare with a gun of it's own, and hands as deadly as the vipers she was raised by (Her mothers). Devil's Lick lives up to her name, she has been kissed by the Devil for her rude, but sly and cunning mouth and licked by her palms for her swiftness and skill to steal. But because of this strange gift, she also has been given a difficult problem; she has two personalities. One of pure fun and joy to mess and play with, and the other one is the true Devil that lies inside her real cold heart.
The first personality is her normal, average self. She is a sarcastic women who doesn't care about other's opinions, nor what they think, but she is the loyalist assassin probably know. Usually, assassins hate sticking to one boss, but for Devil, she knew if she had one man she could trust with money, jobs and a home to stay in, there was no point in switching. She would not fail a command nor mission given to her, she would execute it with grace and speed and dares not to leave a trace behind unless instructed to. Her heart is closely compared to a black wild stallion; her movement are unpredictable, as well as her attitude towards a person. However, her overall normal personality is just a sarcastic demon waiting to become a jester or a killer.
Her second personality is what made the name "Devil" pop into her mother's heads. The cold, ruthless, heartless, holed up demented human inside of her dwells in this personality. This is when a person has set the trigger off in her brain that they had pushed her to her limit of anger, or if she is in mission mode. No one mattered. Whoever was in the line of target was going to be killed mercilessly. No suffrage would come to anyone, which is why she preferred to go on missions alone. This dark personality changed her entire demeanor, and it enhanced her abilities agility and speed, but when she is out of her personality, just fades back to the normal speed. But you wouldn't want to meet this women, for if you did, it would be your last sight you see.
1) To get food
2) To have a bed to sleep in
3) To get paid
4) To not get caught
5) To live on the run
East Blue
Special Traits: