OC Information

---------- Ⓟersonaℓ Ⓘnformatioи ➠
✘Name ::
✘ Nickname ::
✘ Famous Name ::
The Hidden Reaper Goddess
✘ Age ::
✘ Date of Birth ::
✘ Gender ::
✘ Sexual Orientation ::
✘ Marital Status ::
✘ Family Members ::
↪ God Cronos ( Father )
↪ Goddess Rhea ( Mother )
↪ Zeus, Hades, Hera, Pesideon, Athena, Demeter ( Older Siblings )
✘ Ethnicity ::
Greek, God
✘ Residence ::
Mount Olympus & Holy Heavens
✘ Character Famous Quote(s) ::
↪ "Thou think no importance in me, but wait till thy dreams are taunted with sickness and death."
↪ "I watch you with the shadows thou creates, and the thoughts in thy head."
↪ "At thy command, Oh great Third King of the Heavens..."
---------- Ⓟersonalitץ Ⓘnformatioи ➠
✘ Likes ::
↪ Sweets
↪ Solitude
↪ Keeping order
↪ Silence
↪ Men
↪ Gods
↪ Sand
↪ Cold weather
✘ Dislikes ::
↪ Following orders (Yet will always do so)
↪ Spicy foods
↪ Becoming pestered
↪ Hot weather
↪ Cackling women
↪ Gods and Goddesses becoming lazy
✘ Fear(s) ::
↪ Humans rising up against the Gods and creating chaos
✘ Pet Peeves ::
↪ Being Bothered
↪ Other Goddesses flaunting their power
✘ Godly Representation :: Oneiro, derived exactly from the Greek word όνειρο, meaning "dream". Oneiro in this term is the Goddess of Dreams and of Guidance, Decisions, The keeper of Prayers and Messages, and as well as the guider of darkness. As a goddess cast away to the underworld and brought back by the God Sotirios, the god who overthrew Zeus, she was told to carry on the role she was meant to do; to guide darkness from human hearts away and guide them in the right direction, to be their light in their minds. She owes her life to her brother who she would have never been able to be free if it weren't for his wish to have her back in Olympus. The appearance she usually takes is of a dark Shepard with a cloud of smoke around her body, floating around on cloud white boots. The weapon that she carries is a long blackened wood staff with a lantern at the end that carries the memories of nightmares of every single human, a deadly weapon that tortures most even being near it. Animals that represent her are the Shepherds, Sheep, Llamas, Monarch Butterfly, and the Ground hog. Plant that has the connection to her is the Violets.
✘ Personality Description ::
Oneiro is a very distant, closed of person to most of the Gods and Goddesses for she knew that they did not enjoy the company of a Goddess who was thrown out of Olympus and forgotten about in the Underworld. Even Hades barely noticed her existence. She spoke rarely, only to either pitch in an idea, or say "At your command, Oh great ________(Fill in the blank)" for she knew her place was not a high one. She did was she was told and wished for it to stay as such. not very often she was visited, so a mysterious and scary atmosphere was rumored around about her, creating the name "The Hidden Reaper" for they believed she reaped the souls by using her ability to make humans go insane from their dreams. She was not evil, she thought, but she was not on the "Good Gods" list. As mystical and enchanting as she was, she had no belief that she was as good as the other powerful Gods. She has her sweet spots and moments of grand kindness to all, but when someone throws a mean punch at her, she throws a scarier punch back and is left alone.
Her person and who she is, however, does not affect her job as a Goddess. It's an all day job that she must concentrate and focus on all the people of the world who dream and sleep and pray. She does not fail her job and is spot on when called to do others. She is not lacking in any sort when it comes to her duty and that was possibly the only reasons Sotirios claimed her from the Underworld, or even remembered she was there; she had a duty that he needed her to fill.
---------- Ⓗistorץ Ⓘnformatioи ➠
✘ Character Biography ::
---------- Ⓒharacteя Ⓘnformatioи ➠
✘ Hair Colour ::
Snow White
✘ Eye Colour ::
Frost blue
✘ Height ::
5' 3''
✘ Weight ::
✘ Body Type ::
Slender, small, toned but not fit
✘ Marking(s) / Tattoo(s) / Scar(s) ::
↪ Ivy tattoos down her chest and to her right leg
✘ Blood Type :: O
✘ Dominate Hand ::
---------- Ⓒareeя Ⓘnformatioи ➠
✘ Affiliation ::
✘ Group/Organization ::
Titans, Twelve Olympians
✘ Occupation ::
Ruler of Prayers, Messenger of Dreams, Keeper of Memories
---------- Ⓦeapoи Ⓘnformatioи ➠
✘ Weapon Appearance::
[The Harvestor]
✘ Weapon Description ::
This is a special lantern that is connected to a long wooden stick that is used at a connection to the humans and the Goddess Oneiro and collects all the prayers that they send up to the Heavens, and from there, she organizes them by person, which takes a day by night job. However, prayers are a very strong power, for they do fuel gods, so a condensed number of them would make Gods who don't deal with them constantly would be engulfed and be hurt by this power, but Oneiro has the gift to be around these powerful items for Gods to feed off of, mostly because may don't pray to her because she is unknown to humans. for now. But to protect other gods from the power, she keeps the prayers inside the lantern to later distribute to the Gods and Goddesses.
✘ Weapon Ability/ Attribute ::
-The one attribute that her weapon can do is the ability to manipulate the power of the prayers from within to create bursts of immense power that effect with the power of different gods and makes them weaker with each burst.
✘ Weapon Techniques ::
---------- Ⓐbility Ⓘnformatioи ➠
✘ Primary Power ::
Human Guidance and Gatherer
✘ Secondary Power ::
Guidance Reformer (If approved)
✘ Godly ( Default ) Abilities ::
1. Superhuman Strength - Olympians, Gods dignity, and etc are far stronger than a mortal. The exact limits of which have never been measured. It is generally accepted they are sufficiently strong enough to lift 100 tons with minimal effort.
2. Superhuman Speed - Capable of moving faster the the finest human athlete. Almost appearing as nothing more than a blur or after image in motion.
3. Metamorphosis - Can alter their physical form (presumably) into almost any shape that they can choose. However the usual pick that of human or their sacred animals.
4. Self-Sustenance - Most Olypians, Titans, and etc do not have to eat to sustain themselves. However most do prefer to eat as it keeps that feeling of being a moral alive.
5. Superhuman Stamina - Almost seemed to never run out of stamina, however that doesn't mean after fighting and injury that one will not.
6. Invulnerability - Cannot be hurt or killed by normal means by man. However other with similar abilities can harm or even kill you.
7. Superhuman Reflexes - Most Olympians, Gods, Titans, and etc have relaxes that far surpass that of mortal humans. Because of this it makes them hard to hit by normal means. However others of the same status can equal them.
✘ Element Techniques ::