glanced at the rising joker and listened to his blood choked laughter. James took a ready stance with his large sword. Reality walked over to his car, pressing a button on his car keys and the trunk bumped open. He walked around to the back of it, lifting it up, and reached in. The boy looked confused at what Reality was trying to do...until he pulled out a large machine gun and held it at his waist, walking back over with death in his glare. Life could only giggle in glee as his weak body moved up off the ground slowly and feebly, but the card was on the ones who thought they were powerful. His body froze in the weak state he was in, then broke out into a serious business like attire with perfect posture and cold facial features.
"I must say I have met my match," He took his glasses that had appeared on his face off and pulled them away from his face, crushing them in an instant with his face twisted and curled. "TEHE~"
"Be prepared for anything men." Reality called out, James standing in front of the young boy with his overly large sword, shifting his body weight on each foot. Life had a western cowboy showdown stance as if he had two guns at his side, his twisted fingers curling up and down. He broke out into a laugh here and there as if he really had gone mad, but Reality didn't fall for fools tricks. He knew exactly what to do. Reality stepped up, his large machine gun staring Life down. Silence was in the air, a newspaper flew by as inconpicuiously as if could to get away from the intense air. James looked all around him, feeling the air get more dense by the second, until-
"DRAW!" both of them yelled, with life pulling out his two hands, and Reality pulling the trigger, and in each little hole around the barrel came out a little white flag that had the words "BANG!" written on each of them, while Life took a "shot" in the gut and his hands flying up into the air. Reality had been correct. He played child games. Reality smirked and looked around him, seeing if he could use anything to his advantage for his next trick, but Life was too quick, and he summoned up what had made the Greek's fall; the Trojan house, only it was decorated with silly streamers and confetti shot out of it. Life took a seat on the back of it andtwo handle bars appeared, reaving it up.
"This isn't good." Reality answered, and with a quick turn on the heel, James grabbed the kid and put him on the skateboard, while Reality ran into the car, flicked his wrist to turn it on and spun it around and ran with James as the Trojan house puffed out a cloud of congested smoke, speeding after the two. Life was seated right at the top of the house, waving his arms as if he was in a parade, throwing candy and beaded necklaces from a blue buckets. Reality was pressing as hard as he could, speeding along side James on his hover board with the boy. They first turned to the right down a street with a blurred out name, to see if the horse could actually turn, but what they didn't know, it that the horse could be preserved as a real horse, so it suddenly became alive, turning the corner with a skirting skid and then a delayed turn, but it's large body made up for the distance. James took the lead and turned down another pattern of corners; left, right, left. Zooming by streets and people while also protecting the kid. Reality took a different approach. He turned right, left, left. The horse went down the middle and found itself at a dead end. Life suddenly became infuriated as the two zoomed past him on different roads. So, to get over a mountain/building, it simple climbed over it, but that was when the horse changed shape, morphing into a helicopter like machine that was made entirely out of the wood of the horse, rising off the ground with a strange ease. Reality and James were able to meet back up on the same street, giving each other reassuring nods, but as their tension grew weak, bullets rained down on them. The two took off running. Reality looked back in his rear view mirror and saw Life in the cockpit of the wooden helicopter, his maniacal life being heard from all they way up in the helicopter.
"BAAAAAAAAHHAHAHAHA!!! You're MINE little brat!!" The boy held onto James tightly as the wind rushed past him. All the thoughts passing over him were mostly why was he being chased, what did he want him for, and when would they meet up with this Illusion girl to make everything better. The boy was scared for his life, being chased after a man named Life who could manipulate anything he wished, was evil and crazy, and was the epiphany of a storybook villain. As for Reality and James, Reality was the main hero and James was the sidekick who wished to be the hero. The girl that had to be saved...Just then, the boy had a terrible thought. A thought that could mean life of death of Illusion.
"James!" The boy shouted through the whipping winds, with James glancing down at the boy quickly to see what was wrong. "Illusion is in trouble! If she wasn't, then she would be here with us." Suddenly, James's eyes widened and he glanced over at reality's car.
"Reality!" James called out, Reality rolling down the window when he saw James staring at him. "We have to find Illusion!-"
"NO MORE TALKING!~" Suddenly, the helicopter poked out two wooden missiles and he fired both in their direction, hurtling towards the boy. James and Reality formed a line in front of eat other to dodge the missiles, the explosion throwing James's balance a bit off. Reality had to think of a plan fast and quick. he knew Illusion needed him. He wanted to see her. He wanted to help her...hold her, touch her luscious hair, stare into her beautiful eyes. His resolve was clear, but to achieve that would be blurry. He needed something, some how a hint or clue to where she was. Nothing came to him. This wasn't a fantasy. Nor a story book where he would be the knight and he could save his princess
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God, I wrote that too long ago. I am Bio and I am awesome. No spelling errors anymore!! Lols >~<
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