_________Metta, Claviestia
_________character © B i o N i g h t — code © tanh — all rights reserved
_________► PERSONAL DATA
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_________FULL NAME ▪▫ Metta, Claviestia
_________NICKNAME ▪▫ "Clavies"
_________GENDER ▪▫ ♀Female
_________DATE OF BIRTH ▪▫ August, 5th
_________AGE ▪▫ 21 years old
_________HEIGHT ▪▫ 5' 7"
_________WEIGHT ▪▫ 103lbs
_________ETHNICITY ▪▫ Half Japanese/ Half English
_________BLOOD TYPE ▪▫ Type AB
_________ALIGNMENT ▪▫ Neutral
_________SEXUAL ORIENTATION ▪▫ Bisexual
_________LOVE INTEREST ▪▫ N/A unless someone seems Veeeery useful to her
_________APPEARANCE ▪▫ ...
_________PERSONALITY ▪▫ This is Clavies. Everyone calls her Clavies. No one calls her anything else, except for her stupid, bubbly lovey parents that only care about themselves, which her two older brothers have accepted because that means they get whatever they ask for without their parents second guessing. Clavies has always been on the lazy side, but she has also been on the supremely dedicated side only when it comes to things she loves to do. Such like tinkering with machines, her father's car to secretly make it work more officently. She has always had a knack for working with machines, highly complicated or not, nothing is too big for her to tackle, and if it was, getting serious was even more fun to do than just giving up any day. Clavies thought of herself and looked out for her own back. She didn't have much friends because of the ego she gave off of a ego-centric, lazy mechanic that loved to mess with everyone, and to be a bully was one of her favorite pass times, watching wimps get tortured because they were too weak to stand up for themselves, and when they finally did, she found them boring and left them alone, never talking to that person. In her own way, she was teaching those kids a life lesson, but for the ones that never spoke a word out of it, she continued to do so, and she pumped it up each time the two of them would encounter. Clavies was gossiped to be a mean, selfish, narrsassitic women that cared only for herself, but some that she rarely let into her real head saw the truth behind what she did.
Now in college and idiots with some level heads entered her life, some saw that her actions weren't out of pure hatred for others, but some acts she preformed were out of kindness that she refused to show. She displayed it by making her the bad guy. it was an interesting notion in it's own way, but she was also obversed not as lazy, just liked to be. She worked out in the gym with boxing coaches, always running home, shadow boxing her way there, and she also practiced some gymastics with those coaches that taught her after work for a deal that she would fix their cars anytime they were having problems. It wasn't a bad life she lived, but she was far from weak, and far from stupid. She was very intelligent and very strong, maybe not as strong as some others, but she knew had to handle herself, and when it came to Air Treks that her parents bought her for college, she practiced with those more, but mostly only used them to get around easily. They were a good project to work on every night or during a class she didn't like. Lazy, mean, stubborn, evil in ways, but there was a kind spot inside pf her, not a soft spot, just a kind one. She didn't have any close friends nor did she care for them. As long as something came out of the relationship for her, she didn't mind it. if nothing came out of it, what was the point? A reason that would probably follow her through her life until the day she either died or cut all ties with any contact from the world.
___________ • LIKES
______________ ○ Machines
______________ ○ Toys
______________ ○ Human toys
______________ ○ Not bothered while working
______________ ○ Hot pockets and instant foods
______________ ○ Games
______________ ○ Idiots (They are fun to mess with when not being irritating)
______________ ○ Math
______________ ○ Strategies
______________ ○ Herself
___________ • DISLIKES
______________ ○ Idiots (When being annoying)
______________ ○ People who think they can understand her or her work
______________ ○ Wimps
______________ ○ Being forced to be nice
______________ ○ Being challenged and then beaten
______________ ○ Being Embarrassed
_________BIOGRAPHY ▪▫ Her past as a child was unamusing. She was born from a couple that only wanted a little girl to have. They were the definition of parents that didn't care what happened to their children, as long as they had each other, everything would be fine. Who had parents like that in the first place. From the moment she was born, she was obligated to watch after her stupid parents, and even her stupid brothers. She was born with the natural talent of numbers and who things worked. The only time her parents really cared about her was her toddler years, when she was learning the essentials. They would baby talk her, make goo-goo eyes and pander to simple needs. She quickly found them useless and irritating through some drive in her mind to never become like them. As she grew up, she became purposely distant from them, always locking herself in her own room and drew future designs for robots or inventions she would want to try and build. She still had those designs today. it seemed like a simple child's passion, but this was more than a passion, this would be her escape from her boring life. She worked, and worked, and worked on her inventions, becoming more engrossed into them, and when late childhood arrived, she found and interesting find. Air treks. These skates that gave you the ability to fly and give you strange abilities. She found the light, the new open door. Yes, I know, it was a sad life to be able to look forward to one day being able to buy Air treks that would match her personality, but it was going to take her away from her home for good. To be honest, who would live in a house that didn't 1)need her, or 2)want her. it was clear that she was on her own.
She became her own person over a protracted period of time, and when she would get in trouble from school for bullying, her parents of be oh-so condescending and gentle about the situation, believing they were scolding her, but then go right back into loving each other and finding this strange joy in each other's company. It made her sick. it made her want to leave even faster. So with the money she had been saving up for a very long time, she used it to go college, majoring in Mechanics and Machines, with a minor in Art. It was the start of breaking her contact from her parents, and just when she thought they were very useless, for her college entree gift, they gave her a pair of Blue Air Treks that she sadly fell in love with. They were beautiful and in perfect condition. Her damn parents actually got one right. She moved out completely after that, using the Air treks to do simple, basic things, but little did she know that her skill would soon take her to a new door, that would lead to a totally new path.
_________THEME SONG ▪▫ (theme song)
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_________ALIAS ▪▫ "Clavies" The Tuner
_________RANK ▪▫ Rank F
_________TYPE ▪▫ Reflectively
_________ROAD ▪▫ Ring Road
_________SUB-ROAD ▪▫ N/A
_________SHADOW ▪▫ [Crystal Knight]
_________AIR TREKS ▪▫ Glass Spear [Current TUs: 0 SPD | 0 STR | 0 STA | 0 JMP]
___________ • Basic Treks: These Treks have a standard soft blue Air Treks with a small crystal in the middle of the wheels. No upgrades have been added. Blue and white body, good speed, in good condition.
_________TEAM ▪▫ N/A
▬▬▬▬▬▬ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ▬▬▬▬▬▬ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
_________R.E.A.D. ▪▫ 20 [0]
___________ • SPEED ▪▫ 7
___________ • STRENGTH ▪▫ 3
___________ • STAMINA ▪▫ 3
___________ • JUMP ▪▫ 7
___________ • AIR TIME ▪▫ 5 | Seconds
▬▬▬▬▬▬ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ▬▬▬▬▬▬ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
_________ROAD TRICKS
___________ • [ RANK ? ] ▪▫ (trick name)
______________ ○ (trick description)
_________TRICK PASS
___________ • [ RANK ? ] ▪▫ (trick name)
______________ ○ (trick description)
___________ • [ RANK ? ] ▪▫ (trick name)
______________ ○ (trick description)
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___________ • Wallet
______________ ○ Carries ID and 150 Ryo
___________ • Cellular Divice
______________ ○ Only works to call and text people. Nothing more, nothing less.
___________ • MP3 player w/ Head phones
______________ ○ This is what keeps her sane when she works on different types of Treks for her brothers or herself. Tinkering with machines and such is her thing, so listening to music give her a groove to work, and if you ever want to go and ask to borrow it, you better either have a lot of money, or your hand not very vital to you.
___________ • Glasses w/ case
______________ ○ She has to see somehow.
_________► TRACKING DATA
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___________ • Character Slots ▪▫ -/3
___________ • Character Change ▪▫ Available
___________ • Restat ▪▫ Available
___________ • Road Change ▪▫ Available
___________ • Previous Update ▪▫ (link to previous update)
C _ O _ P _ Y _ R _ I _ G _ H _ T _ © _ 2 _ 0 _ 1 _ 2 _ _ T _ A _ N _ H
E N x N A x C Y U R I O x R E x C H Y E T . W A S x T O U W A K A x G A Y A x P R E S I A x A C C R R O A D x I E E Y A . N N x N U M x G A G I S x K N A W A x N A x L E Q U E R A x W A L A S Y E . W A S x Q U A L x G A G I S x P R E S I A x A C C R R O A D x I E E Y A
x W H O U . W E A R E Q U E W I E x F O G A B E . F O U x K I x R A x H Y E A R x P R E S I A x R E E N . W A S x Z W E I E x R A x N A x S T E L x Y O R R A x Z U I E G x M A N A F . M A x Z W E I E x R A x I R S x M A N A F x C H Y E T x O Z x O M N I S
R R H A x K O x R A x C H Y E T x O Z x O M N I S
A _ L _ L _ _ R _ I _ G _ H _ T _ S _ _ R _ E _ S _ E _ R _ V _ E _ D
E N x N A x C Y U R I O x R E x C H Y E T . W A S x T O U W A K A x G A Y A x P R E S I A x A C C R R O A D x I E E Y A . N N x N U M x G A G I S x K N A W A x N A x L E Q U E R A x W A L A S Y E . W A S x Q U A L x G A G I S x P R E S I A x A C C R R O A D x I E E Y A
x W H O U . W E A R E Q U E W I E x F O G A B E . F O U x K I x R A x H Y E A R x P R E S I A x R E E N . W A S x Z W E I E x R A x N A x S T E L x Y O R R A x Z U I E G x M A N A F . M A x Z W E I E x R A x I R S x M A N A F x C H Y E T x O Z x O M N I S
R R H A x K O x R A x C H Y E T x O Z x O M N I S
A _ L _ L _ _ R _ I _ G _ H _ T _ S _ _ R _ E _ S _ E _ R _ V _ E _ D