Raphael Dementra Shun
-Eating alone
-Wearing suits
-Wearing his silver watch his sister gave him
-People scuffing up his shoes
-Irritating fools
-Eating steak that isn't done
-His hair being messed up
Bio: Born and raised in a small town, lived in a mansion most of his life. Raised as a man of prosper, he knew what the value of things meant. Manners, class, and elegance were all taught to him, and after his elder sister died of an illness, he moved into his fathers business in the city to get away from all the gloom over in his home town. He now lives rich and hearty life, yet is still trying to find some happiness in his life.
Raphael Dementra Shun
-Eating alone
-Wearing suits
-Wearing his silver watch his sister gave him
-People scuffing up his shoes
-Irritating fools
-Eating steak that isn't done
-His hair being messed up
Bio: Born and raised in a small town, lived in a mansion most of his life. Raised as a man of prosper, he knew what the value of things meant. Manners, class, and elegance were all taught to him, and after his elder sister died of an illness, he moved into his fathers business in the city to get away from all the gloom over in his home town. He now lives rich and hearty life, yet is still trying to find some happiness in his life.