Gengar, Alakazam, Absol, Drifblim

---------- Ⓟersonaℓ Ⓘnformatioи ➠
✘Name ::
Sella "Somber" Jotu
✘ Nickname ::
✘ Famous Name ::
Sella "Somber"
✘ Trainer ID ::
✘ Age ::
✘ Date of Birth ::
October 13th(On a Friday)
✘ Gender ::
✘ Sexual Orientation ::
✘ Marital Status ::
✘ Family Members ::
↪ Adoptive Mother; Mia Jotu, glass maker
↪ Adoptive Father; Carange Jotu, fisher
✘ Ethnicity ::
✘ Residence ::
Raised in Verno town
Moved to Izumi City Gym
✘ Character Quote(s) ::
↪*Shrugs and stares*
---------- Ⓟersonalitץ Ⓘnformatioи ➠
✘ Likes ::
↪ Her best friends
↪ Her Pokemon
↪ Food
↪ Eating
↪ Large, dark, quiet places
↪ Silence
↪ Accessories
✘ Dislikes ::
↪ People who like to judge at first glance
↪ People that pester her with questions
↪ Being hungry
↪ People that are crueler than she
↪ Small, or crowded places
↪ Talking
✘ Fear(s) ::
↪ Losing her best friends
↪ Losing her pokemon
✘ Pet Peeves ::
↪ No having accessories in her hair
↪ Being around large crowds of people
↪ Other Pokemon being mean to her.
✘ Personality Description ::
Known as the scariest gym leader in the whole region, Sella "Somber" lives up to her frighting title for, not just her appearance, but for her Pokemon's strength and her battle strategy, of trainers every get that far. usually at first sight, trains scramble away to rid themselves of her cold, evil stare that pierces into the hearts of the poor trainers. And the brave ones that think that they can take on this scary woman, they high tail it out of her gym at first sight of her cruel, yet amused Pokemon that enjoy playing with the trainers as juggling balls. Her icy exterior that is covered with strange black clothing and accessories, Sella always has a cold look upon her face, with no color to her cheeks and no mistakes in her movements. However, even through her long draping sleeves and emotionless face, there has always been an interior only two men know all too well; Xion and Jeremiah, her childhood best friends, and her only friends. Only with those two, all positive and bright and always ready for an adventure, her true self is brought out. Shy, quiet, and sort of cute, Sella is always dragged around by these two, trying to cheer her sad, cold personality up by taking her places, reminiscing in memories that they have made, and telling of battles they have won and lost. She would always be vulnerable when it came to them, for they always knew all her weak spots. She was always forced to meet knew people, but in her timidness, she would run away and hid in a dark alley, cuddling with one of her Pokemon's that she wanted comfort from. She was always curious, though. She loved to research about new Pokemon and she always liked hiking in dark forests where she could encounter them.
But the one sore spot that always draws her back into the darkness was her past, and not even with her best friends does she talk about her past with, if she talks at all that day.
---------- Ⓗistorץ Ⓘnformatioи ➠
✘ Character Biography ::
In a little wooden house near a cliff, the ocean's tides crashing into the rocky wall muted the sounds of screams. The scent of blood was intoxicating the air. Not even sure what had come over the little four year old, her outrageously long black hair swept the very feet around her. She stared down at these strange hands covered in red liquid that dripped from her palms. People with the same black hair as the little girl laid fast asleep on the ground with the same red liquid. She wished she knew what had happened to the sleeping people. Her memory had been completely wiped, no recollection of any of these people on the ground. The last thing she remembered from that strange, worn down house was her staggering out of the shack as if her legs have been shaking for a long period of time and were reduced to jelly. The little girl walked slowly through the forest, vision blurry and unsure steps were made through her whole journey, but soon, as the forest became darker and darker, she had stopped in her tracts, gazing upon a lone Abra just sitting on the ground. It faced the girl's direction, and for the longest of moments, the two just stared at each other. Soon, the Abra floated up from his spot, his arms and legs sprawled out and a sudden flash of light blinded the girl, yet she fell into a familiar darkness of unconsciousness.
The rest was not long enough, she remembered. Upon the ground, the little girl cracked her small eye lids open, her red eyes glowing brightly in the darkness. Dawn was coming soon, she felt it. The little girl slowly rose from the ground, and found that she was in front of a one story house with a large garage attached to it. By instincts, the little girl slowly walked up to the door, hesitating at the red wood structure. A slow hand lifted from her side, and so suddenly, a man opened the door, calling out to his wife. "Alright Hun, I will be home by dus-" The man saw something in his peripherial and found the little girl, and screamed for a moment, backing up in fear. The man stared at this strange girl that look so sad, and by the blood covering her body, she had come from some situation. "Are you okay?" a female voice called out, coming closer to the door, and when she was in line of sight, the woman gasped, covering her mouth with a hand, gazing at this child. The couple glanced at each other, and then slowly walked over to the girl, the man crouching down to her level. "Where are you from, little one?" The girl just stared at the man for a very long, quiet moment, then simply shrugged and the man chuckled, then he stood back up, and lent a hand, smiling. "Come in, dear, wifey here shall clean you up beautifully." The woman smiled and placed her hands on her hips, smirking. "Come on, sweetie, lets go to the bathroom and get you all cleaned up." Slowly, the little girl followed the woman, with the woman directing the man to make something for the girl to eat. The woman was very gentle and sweet, taking her to the bathroom, turning on a bath for the girl, and told her she needed to take off her clothes, which she didn't understand that concept, so the woman had to take them off for her. She put the small child into the bath tube and watched as all of the blood from her body and hair slid off of her delicate white skin. The woman washed her and used a lot of product to wash her very long and full hair, having a difficult time getting all of the knots out, sometimes making her very frustrated. However, after all of it was done and she was clean of mud and blood, the little girl seemed to have a soft glow. The woman had given the girl a long sleeve t-shirt of hers and some draw string shirts to give her some clothes for now, and then brought her to the kitchen where the man was making this fish type food called sushi, says the woman. All day, the two adults took care of the child, and when the parents interrogated her later, she spoke her first words of, "I want to know what happened to those people with black hair like mine and red liquid on their bodies, like mine." The parents had figured it out way before the little girl did, and even when she grew older, she never really realized it.
The couple took the little girl in as their adopted daughter, and every day, the little girl would go adventure outside of the house in the near by forest. Everyday, there would be these two boys, playing together, laughing up a storm with themselves, surrounded by other children. The little girl never cared to be by any of them, so she was just give a passing glance and head out to her mission for the day. But one day, those two boys became very curious of this new girl with amazingly long hair that her adopted mother made her put in a pony tail so it didn't always drag against the ground and they followed her when she went to the woods, but one had to be stupid enough to reveal themselves by shouting out at her. "Hey! Isn't it dangerous in the forest?!" The girl looked behind her quickly, seeing these two boys stand childishly behind her, smiling stupidly. She had always wonder what first drew her in to actually respond to them. Maybe it was the gaze in their eyes that had actually wanted to know about her, like the gaze her adopted parents had for her... it always confused her. But these two idiots somehow become her best friends. Everyday she would be either drawn out of her house by those two guys, or she would be caught sneaking out without them joining her on her daily missions. But those three grew up together, growing into an unforgettable bond.
One day, when those children had grown up to be coming of age trainers, her friends began to dream way before her. She was very ignorant of the world ahead of her, yet her friends went diving straight into the sensation of being training, making strange goals like being Elite Four members. They had left her at different times, but she was strangely alright with it, because she was also eager deep inside to go out and discover something about the world, so she set out too after her friends had left, setting out for a journey to discover her favorite type of Pokemon; Ghost-type. Every night, a different ghost Pokemon would show up in her dreams, and every morning she would set out to try and find and maybe talk to it, for she had this incredible Ablitiy to just understand Ghost-types very deeply. So, she set off for the deepest, darkest parts of the region, collecting different Pokemon friends along the way, and one day while training her Haunter in a forest, she had a familiar sensation sweep over her, and she turned to stare a Pokemon very familiar to her that has always reoccurred in her dreams. The Pokemon was named Darkrai, and he was a legendary Pokemon that always hated her. His eyes and voice just spoke of hate to her. She didn't understand where this hate came from, but due to this encounter, the two immediately went into conflict. She wounded up badly hurt, using her Pokedex to call for help and found herself covered in blood again.
"Maybe my eyes are red... because of the blood that always follows me...?" Rarely does she talk, and rarely when she does it means something so great in her life, it's almost sad. She found herself in a bed in the hospital after that, her adopted mother and father sitting right by her, and her two best friends practically on her bed sheets, glaring at her and asking her what crazy things she had gotten into to get herself hurt. That moment in her life, it changed her forever. it gave her a goal. She needed to become strong, in order to face her life long enemy, Darkrai, so she randomly decided to take the offer of becoming the Izumi's gym Leader, which gave her a new hope to become a lot stronger, just stronger than Darkrai, and defeat him.... Or maybe capture him just to make him suffer. She enjoyed that idea.
---------- Ⓒharacteя Ⓘnformatioи ➠
✘ Altercations to Image ::
✘ Hair Colour ::
✘ Eye Colour ::
✘ Height ::
5' 4"
✘ Weight ::
✘ Marking(s) / Tattoo(s) / Scar(s) ::
↪ N/A
✘ Blood Type ::
✘ Dominate Hand ::
---------- Ⓒareeя Ⓘnformatioи ➠
✘ Affiliation ::
*Shrugs and points to good*
✘ Group/Organization ::
✘ Occupation ::
Gym Leader
✘ Poke-Dollars ::
---------- Ⓟokemoи Ⓘnformatioи ➠
✘ Pokemon :: Mismagnus
✘ No# :: #429
✘ Gender :: Female
✘ Type :: Ghost-type
✘ Level :: 42
✘ Experience :: 0 XP
✘ Health Points :: 960 HP
✘ Nature :: Rash
✘ Ability :: Levitate
✘ Held Item :: N/A
✘ Accessories :: N/A
✘ Attacks ::
↪ Shadow Ball
↪ Ominous Wind
↪ Curse
↪ Powergem
✘ Pokemon :: Haunter
✘ No# :: #093
✘ Gender :: Male
✘ Type :: Ghost-type
✘ Level :: 40
✘ Experience :: 0 XP
✘ Health Points :: 920 HP
✘ Nature :: Modest
✘ Ability :: Levitate
✘ Held Item :: N/A
✘ Accessories ::N/A
✘ Attacks ::
↪ Dream Eater
↪ Dark Pulse
↪ Nightmare
↪ Spite
✘ Pokemon :: Dusnoir
✘ No# ::477
✘ Gender :: Male
✘ Type :: Ghost-type
✘ Level :: 38
✘ Experience :: 0 XP
✘ Health Points :: 880 HP
✘ Nature :: Gentle
✘ Ability :: Pressure
✘ Held Item :: N/A
✘ Accessories ::N/A
✘ Attacks ::
↪ Imprison
↪ Dark Pulse
↪ Future Sight
↪ Thunder Punch
✘ Pokemon :: Banette
✘ No# :: 354
✘ Gender ::Male
✘ Type :: Ghost-type
✘ Level :: 38
✘ Experience :: 0 XP
✘ Health Points :: 880 HP
✘ Nature :: Careful
✘ Ability :: Insomnia
✘ Held Item :: N/A
✘ Accessories :: N/A
✘ Attacks ::
↪ Sucker Punch
↪ Gunk Shot
↪ Imprison
↪ Foresight
---------- Ⓑackpacҡ Ⓘnformatioи ➠
✘ Items ::
✘ Medicine ::
↪ Potion (x5)
↪ Ether (x3)
✘ Berrie's ::
↪ Oran Berries (x4)
↪ Cheri Berries (x2)
↪ Drash Berries (x1)
✘ Poke-Balls ::
↪ Poke-Ball (x5)
✘ TM's and HM's ::
✘ Battle Items ::
↪ Gym Badges
✘ Key Items ::
↪ Wallet.
↪ Badge Case.
---------- Ⓐdditionaℓ Ⓘnformatioи ➠
✘ Theme Song(s) ::
Gym Battle: Corruption Garden, By Vocaloid's Luka
Regular Battle: Joker, By Vocaloid's Gakupo
Traveling Song: Sad, Creepy Song by lilmafia4life
✘ Additional Images ::
✘ Extras ::