[[Not my drawing]]
ᴯᵄᶳᵎᶝ ᴵᵑᶠᶱ ════╗
RP Name:
Torrpa Vi. Hinle (Torr- Pah, Hen-leh)
Vindat (Vin-dah-t), The Ice Zora
January 2nd
6' 5"
178 lbs
He can be obnoxious at most times, but he is a very sweet and kind person,m great around kids for some reason, but is courageous and a dare-devil. He is one of the lady's Men per-say, for he seemingly obtains girl's hearts that are around him. A bit of a jester, Torrpa pulls pranks on days were you would least expect an attack. Keeps the other person awake. He is a proud Zora that honors the Prince and protects him with his life. One day, he has a dream to become part of the Royal guard to protect the King.
ᴯᵄᵗᵗᶩᵋ ᴵᵑᶠᶱ ════╗
Triforce Type: {Power, Wisdom, Courage}
Triforce Magic Skills:
- None
Race Skills:
- None
Weapon Styles:
Coral Knife
Stage 1:
ᴵᵑᵛᵋᵑᶵᶱᶴᵠ ════╗
Rupees: 0
Weapon of Choice:
Close range, can be thrown up to 40 feet
three lbs
One foot long
Secondary Weapon:
Middle range, can be thrown up to 60 feet
15 lbs
Seven feet long
● 25 throwing knifes
ᴾᵋᶴᶳᶱᵑᵄᶩ ᴵᵑᶠᶱ ════╗
● Can swim in Icy waters
● Very Strong
● Slow runner on land
● Rage outbursts happen
● The peace of the Zora Kingdom being disrupted
● The Prince being attacked
Soft Spot:
● Loves dogs
Blood Type:
O type
Dominant Hand:
Left hand(sword hand)
Marital Status:
Family Members:
Little sister - Jixm Jr.
Mother - Surnta
Father - Descesed - Jixm
Childhood -
Torrpa was named for how he looked when hatched, given the look of a torpedo on his Head fin. His parents were grateful for their first son and felt he would grow to be big and strong, boy did they have it coming to them fast. only two years old and the little Zora was three feet tall. Torrpa perfectly fit his name for his growth and his head fin. By five, the young Zora was swimming along side his dad, who was a General in the Zora Noble Guard, to uncharted areas to fish and gather fish. The boy learned fast and trained his boy as hard as he could during the gather. Multiple times, Torrpa went up to the snowy mountainous area where the frozen lake lies and would cut a hole in the river and practice diving in cold water and hunting fish. Some few Zora are able to train their body's to be able to swim in such cold waters, and some swim in hot waters like Hot springs. Torrpa felt that he had a gift to swim in icy and warm waters and felt that it would come in hand one day.
While as a child, he dreampt about being in the Noble Guard, like his father. He was very much so attacked to his father, but on the day that Torrpa's little sister was born, His father was summoned to go to a mission in Hylain Territory. Torrpa had requested to go with, but his father refused the request and moved on with two other Noble Zora. That was the day his father was murdered by the Hylains. It was pre-post foreshadow warning of a war. Torrpa didn't know until the news reached back to the family of three about two days later. Torrpa was grateful to name his little sister Jixm, Which was his father's name. Torrpa felt very angered by the Hylains for killing his father, and he swore to grow and become in his position. He promised his mother that he would become stronger just for her and his little sister. The day of training began.
Teenager -
As he grew older, Torrpa began very tall, very strong, and very good at fishing. He was one of the young Zora that fished and gathered food. He always took care of his mother and sister. His sister learned to fish from him, teaching her basics and if she wanted to know more, she would come and ask him. He grew fast, and became a very tall Zora, six feet tall. Many Zora couldn't compare with his physic appearance. You couldn't miss him for he was practically the tallest Zora in Zora Domain. However, back on politics, Torrpa learned about the war just as the industrial world was trying to take over. The Prince at the time knew it would be a bad choice so he and the Noble Guard decided to keep their old ways. Next was their precious Water Temple being destroyed. The Zora couldn't have been anymore angry. They were furious at the Hylains and asked for help from the Gorons and be in an Alliance. Torrpa had to fight. He knew he had to protect everything he loved and served for, so he applied to be a solider and start training as a trainee and work his way up to his father's position.
Adulthood -
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God, I wrote that too long ago. I am Bio and I am awesome. No spelling errors anymore!! Lols >~<
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